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Q1.What is the correspondence bias and why might it occur? Are there cultural variations in the correspondence bias?

A1. Correspondence bias is the most significant attribution bias is the correspondence bias, or fundamental attribution error. First described by Ross in 1977, this bias or error is one in which people have a tendency to overlook or underweight perfectly obvious external causes of behavior and instead over attribute behavior internally to a person's personality. People perceptually inflate the perceived correspondence between people's behavior and their disposition to behave in that way. An example of the correspondence bias would be the assumption that a shop assistant is treating one rudely because he or she is a rude person rather than because it's the end of a long day in which he or she had to deal with rude customers under stressful and unpleasant working conditions.

Q2.Non-verbal behaviors can be used to serve many functions in communication. Discuss two functions of non-verbal communication, and include two distinct non-verbal behaviors in your discussion.

A1. In our time are increasingly important systems of nonverbal communication. When talking with someone, only a small part of the information we obtain from that person comes from his words. Researchers have estimated that between sixty and seventy percent of what we do communicate through nonverbal, ie, gestures, appearance, posture, gaze and expression.

Nonverbal communication is done through many signs of great variety: Images sensory (visual, auditory, olfactory ...), sounds, gestures, body movements, and so on.

Characteristics of nonverbal communication:

Maintain a relationship with verbal communication, as often used together.

In many cases acts as a regulator of the communication process, helping to expand or reduce the significance of the message.

The non-verbal communication systems vary across cultures.

Generally, most feature meets the verbal, for accompanying full, modified or replaced at times.

Q3.What is self-awareness and what are the possible consequences of self-awareness?

A3. Developing self-awareness involves knowing what you believe and value, understanding what you think and feel, and taking into account what you want and how you believe you will achieve your dreams.

Self-awareness is necessary for the progression toward becoming a whole and more fully integrated person (Marham & Marham, 1995). A noted theorist in human development, Robert Kegan (1994), agrees we all must engage in “self-authorship,” which is to say, we each must author our own life's purpose. Authentic leadership demonstrates a high commitment to self-awareness, characterized by a drive toward being true to personal development, and individual self-leadership. Before one can exercise effective leadership with others, one must first become a person.

Q4.What is self-perception theory and how do we use self-perception to increase our self-knowledge?

A4. Self-perception theory describes how people form new attitudes and beliefs, including those related to the self, from observing their own behavior. In 1965, Daryl Bem proposed that people deduce their own internal states, like attitudes and emotions via the same processes by which they deduce the internal states and dispositions of others. Specifically, when people attempt to explain the behavior of another individual, they can assume the attitudes, beliefs, and ...
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