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Psychology: Case Study

Psychology: Case Study

Define attachment

For this assignment, the case I am going to choose is the case A, which is Dervla: Daughter, Jenny: Mother, Karen: Key-worker and Dave: Father.

Identify and talk about attachment/adult/behaviours.

The main theme in this Case was about the attachment, adult and behaviours. It identified that Dervla was sent to the foster case for 4 years. Jenny her mother was also very depressed from her life as she was also left alone as her parents separated when she was at the age of thirteen. Dervla was affected greatly by the behaviour of her mother jenny and this made her alone and self-sufficient. This case can be easily understood by the discussion of attachment and adult behaviours.

Attachment to the child's mother at an early age

The attachment formed gradually. In infants older than 6 months is clearly beginning to show affection for certain people. Usually, though not always, a mother is serving as the first object of affection. Within a month or two after the appearance of signs of attachment to the mother, most children begin to show affection to his father, brothers, sisters and grandparents. In order to understand what is happening with a two-year child, when separated from his mother, even if she breaks up with the baby briefly, turn to the crucial psychological education is an emotional attachment to the child's mother (Morton & Browne, 1998, pp1093-1104).

A girl of 2 years always cries when mother leaves them at home. when the mother returned, the girl, although she is happy, but may cry angrily, saying the mother for being gone. On advice from a psychologist mother asks what happens to the child, why my daughter cries every time parting with her mother.

What are the signs of affection? Attachment of the child appears in the following: the object of affection may be best to calm and soothe baby, baby more often than others, turns to him for comfort, in the presence of the object of attachment kid rarely experience fear (for example, in an unfamiliar environment).

Affection for the child has some value in terms of self-preservation. First of all, it gives the child a sense of security during the development of the world, faced with new and unknown. Affection manifested most clearly in the infant in a situation where he feels fear. A child cannot pay attention to the parents and willingly play with a stranger (if that is near one of the family), but it is only a child than a scare or worry; he will immediately turn into the support of the mother or father (Minde, 2003, pp.377-381).

With the object, of affection as a child appreciates the gravity of the new situation. For example, a child approaching a, strange bright, toy stops and looks at her mother. If her face reflected anxiety, or it will deliver something a frightened voice, - the child also show suspicion and. Turned away from toys, crawl to the mother. However, if a mother smiles and turns to the baby voice ...
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