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Sigmond Freud and Cark Jung Theories Compared

Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung Theories Compared

The contributions of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung cannot be denied or disregarded as the most fascinating and essential theories in relation to personality and mind. Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939), Viennese neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, is regarded as the father of psychological theories. Carl Jung, on the other hand, added a lot to Freud's theories and came up with many of his own.

One of Freud's theories was Theory of Personality Development where he describes the relationship between the the “Ego” and “Id” that is in the mind. “Ego” is the “I” or “myself” thought of the mind while “Id” is the “non-I”. He also attempted to link a third thing with Ego and Id, which he called “Superego” in his Psychoanalytic Theory. He explained how our mind is in constant war in between the Superego and Id. He also proposed a “Defense thoery” in his Psychoanalysis where he answered as to what goes around in the mind between the “Id” and the “Superego”.

Freud's theory of Psychosexual Stages of Development, also known as the Theory about Sexuality and the Oedipus Complex, reached great hype in which he explained how a person passess through the different mental stages as he develops from an infant to an adult. Psychosexual Stages of Development, as explained by Freud, are Oral stage, Anal stage, Phallic stage, Latency period and the Genital stage.

Freud's Theory about the Levels of Awareness was amongst the most important of all as he explained the idea that there are three levels of awareness in a person's mind: the preconscious mind, the subconscious mind and the conscious mind. He believed that the actions of people directly affected their subconscious, which can be affected by a person's pasts. Freud had ...
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