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Importance of Maintaining Animal Accommodation

Importance of Maintaining Animal Accommodation


Maintaining animal accommodation is one of the significant issues of welfare of animals across the globe. Number of researches came to the fore realizing the importance of proper housing and animal accommodation facilities for animal wellbeing, their health and safety issues and what type of material and fittings should be used according to specific animals and their respective species which makes their living more enjoyable and easy and to contribute their living more comfortable just like humans (Laule, Bloomsmith & Schapiro, 2003). The proper maintaining and management of animal accommodation not only means the cleaning and disease-free housing, but also ensure to deliver the effective care management to animals which ensures their continuous growth, maturity, reproduction and longer and healthy life.

The maintenance of accommodation is also important to mitigate the effect of any environmental variations such as building accommodation which is sufficient enough for them during times of raining, cold, hot summers, and the like. The proper and effective accommodation leads pet and animal lovers to protect their animals from any diseases and also to identify their signs of stress and abnormal behaviour and corresponding steps to be taken during and after maintaining their accommodation. They animal owners by properly maintaining the accommodation for the cats, dogs or any other exotic animals such as birds in their homes also ensure that they are caring for their healthy nutrition and food and also to correctly use the methods of disposing off their wastage including both organic and inorganic (Anderson, 2007). Finally, choosing the right material for animal accommodation such as stainless steel, fibber, and glass and like and associated pros and cons of each material are of great importance when maintaining their animal housing.

This indicates that maintaining the animal accommodation is highly important from different dimensions. Numerous researchers have conducted in their research the importance of animal accommodation. This paper therefore entails the discussion of those findings of maintaining the accommodation by analyzing in three sections cat, dog and exotic animal hare (Russell & Burch, 1959). The paper will discuss the general principles of animal accommodation relative to their health and safety, focusing on environmental conditions, welfare and health legislation and correct methods of disposal of their wastage. The focus of the paper would be on discussing different material being used in housing while emphasizing the importance of their respective advantages and disadvantages.


Researches have conducted have numerous researcher on maintenance of animal accommodation. They have highly emphasized their research on dogs and cats as they are mostly liked pets in houses. However, there is minimal research done on exotic animals such as birds and reptiles.

Accommodation for Dogs

Dogs being the most liked pets in houses require accommodation which has not only permanent access but also the type of material which ensures the protection from any unfavourable weather conditions or diseases. Researchers usually recommend that dogs are free nature animals and bounding in small accommodation causes their stress and consistent ...
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