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Case Discussions

Eating disorders

The eating disorder is a light psychosis. Bulimia Nervosa (= Bulimia, Latin, meaning extreme hunger), eating disorder, also known as bulimia will binge eating, and then induce vomiting or improper excretion way (eat laxatives) undigested food after discharge to maintain body weight, the absence of emetic or stimulate the excretion actors usually evolve into obesity. Phenomenon may also occur even eat less food, slim figure as a target, but often leads to the failure of other organs of the body affected by life. Such diseases are prevalent in the modeling industry, etiology when thin that the evolution of the United States the concept of secular extremely.


Anorexia by definition means the loss and reduction in appetite of the patients, but the patients were found to have normal appetite. The excessive dietary restraints are hence necessary to maintain the weight of the patients.


The major cause of Anorexia in patients is found to be too much confusion at their adolescent life stages, family problems, and undue social pressure. The scholars have a theory that this results from endocrine disorders. In fact, almost the vast majority of young people have tried dieting. Almost one-third of patients with anorexia nervosa are found to be overweight on a diet. Dieting in case of the general dieters is stopped when their ideal weight is attained. But anorexia patients still continue to diet until their weight is much lower than the normal bottom line for their age and height. Their major source of calories is the low-calorie diet foods such as vegetables, fruits, and salads. Main treatment effect Mild condition in the outpatient department to accept personal cognitive psychotherapy, family therapy and behavioral therapy to enhance their living and diet habits, and help the patients attain the weight they desire. In fact, for the majority of patients it is important to discuss their problems. When basic treatments such as those listed above do not result in the desired results and a life-threatening situation exists or the weight of the patient exceeds the normal limits then the patient is admitted to the hospital for his/her treatment. Most of the patients then can get the effect of encouraging restoration.

Bulimia Bulimia patients too much fear of obesity and weight should be maintained in the normal range. But they should avoid using laxatives, vomiting, and other ways to lose weight.

Causes Depression: when annoyed or bored, eating can bring comfortable feeling, therefore, many of bulimia in a comfortable feeling frustrated when to eat. However, due to eating too much and feeling of fullness the patients start to feel uncomfortable, so the patient is persuaded to vomit to control his/her diet, however, this makes the attendant feel guilty and pathetic. Uneasy: the reaction of some unfortunate or unpleasant events will begin the bulimia "this behavior.

Main treatment effect For this disease infected patients are first advised to maintain their diet and consume normal diet. The purpose of this initial treatment is to maintain regular diets ...
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