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Differences between Psychosexual and psychosocial theories:

In order to understand and differentiate between theories, there are multiple stages of development that are analysed by a unique view of personal development. There is a major difference in both of the development theories that are determined and stratified by psychosexual stages and psychosocial stages. Psychosexual stages are more comprising of biological development and psychosocial stages are based on environmental development of a personality. Primary phase that Freud called oral stage is based on oral stimulation of development. Erikson named this stage as trust versus mistrust with consensus that the development of a personality begins in the first year after birth. A difference of opinion can be experienced at the anal stage of psychosexual theory, while autonomy versus doubt is called by Erikson. A sense of competency is achieved by controlling biological needs, whereas, in Autonomy vs. doubt children are sufficient enough to control their need of eating and talking. Ages of three to six are categorized as phallic stage by Freud, and initiative versus guilt stage by Erikson.

According to Freud, children can identify same sex parents and Erikson understood that children can control their power and environment at this stage (Cherry, 2013, p. 3). Between the ages of seven to eleven falls into latent period by Freud, where, Erikson named it industry vs. Inferiority apparently. In latent period, children can focus on activities such as friends, sports, school and hobbies. Similarly, new skills are learned and identified by children in Industry vs. Inferiority stage. It can also be identified as when a person can control and differentiate between the biological genes, sense of moral and social being. Romantic relationships are made and can be explored by children, but the psychosocial theory pushes more towards the personal identification of personality. Freud believes that it is the genital stage that progresses a person into adulthood. A person begins to explore more of its biological being and instincts. Erikson extends this stage into further categories towards generativity vs. stagnation where personal contribution towards the society is examined. Furthermore, it has been found by Erikson that adults with older age look back at their lives and analyze them with psychological fulfilment of their role in the society.


Different Theories:

There are four major psychological theories that were placed at the highest level while examining the psychological needs by different life stages. Freud's Psychosexual Theory mainly focuses on psychological and sexual developments that are categorized into different life stages. Similar life stages are also defined by Erikson, expressing the psychological and social development of a being. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs also identifies that the needs and motivation are different in each stage of life and it completely depends upon the level of motivation concerned in it. Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development (Piaget et. al., 1973.p24), describes different stages of human development by nature and intelligence. It explained the process that how human being get to know different information and construct a mental opinion about ...
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