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[Name of the Institute]Psychology


The main objective of this paper is to conduct a critical analysis of two major theories in the field of visual perception. The initial theory is Gibson's bottom up theory which states that the environment provides a detailed enough perspective that the higher brain functions are not necessary for the visual perception. On the other hand the Gregory's theory presents a different perspective and states that the visual perception is not the product of following the simple external stimulus. Both of these theories have several strengths and weaknesses and the evidence of each can be determined by various other researches carried out. The comprehensive understanding regarding the process of perception can be developed, by the comparative analysis of both of these major visual perception theories.

The visual pathway system is developed when the visual stimulus is received by the retina and is transferred to the brain from the relevant processing function. Hence the eye serves the greatest function the process of human vision development, as it is the primary organ which receives the visual stimulus patterns. The energy particles that are carried in the form of photons interact with the eye, and distribute the visual perception information, which is decoded and then transferred to the brain for higher level processing (Hamada et Al, 2003, pp. 136). The vision perception specifically takes place when the light particles pass through the cornea region of the eye. The relevant sections of the eye organ convert the initial visual stimulus presented in the ofo0rm of light particles, in an electrical impulse which is carried out to the brain. The optic nerve is connect8bg medium which allows the electrical impulse converted by the eye to be sent to the brain. The impulse as it reaches the visual cortex of the brain is adequately processed, and converted in to the vision that we see, and the forms our visual perception of the external environment. This is the complex procedure that is required for the conversion of the light particles 'photons' to be processed in to the vision of the external environment that we observe. Both Gregory and Gibson have presented their detailed perspectives regarding the nature of the visual perception procedure, and how the images are formed by the various processes of the human body. The relevance of both these perspectives would be evaluated through a detailed analysis and comparison of these theories.

Gregory's Theory of Visual Perception

Gregory has presented the indirect theory of visual perception which is known as the top down theory. The theory states that eth visual perception of the world is carried out when the various different sources of information and data are amalgamated into a comprehensive visual perception. The theory stated the significance of the human mind and brain in the process of visual perception development (Noë & Thompson, 2002, pp. 12). He did not believe that the eye transferred the complete information that ion received to the brain for the higher level ...
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