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The basic aim of this research paper is to provide information regarding the exploration of psychological theories. It would include discussion regarding the psychological theories that can allow therapist to develop theoretical orientation and approach. The physiological approaches including behavioral approach and existential therapy would be discussed in the research paper. The paper would include writer's critical evaluation of psychology's approaches. It would also include the micro skills and techniques that can enable therapists to effectively and efficiently utilize these theories.

The finding of this research paper shows that behavioral approaches and existential therapy approaches can be very useful in dealing with patients and clients. However, there is no best approach that can be used in assisting clients. There are various advantages and disadvantages of approaches that require therapists to effectively analyze the situation and use most suitable approach.



Cognitive Behavioral Theories

This theory attempts to explain why, when and how children and adults learn to behave in a certain way. This theory is called as learning or behavioral. The founder of behaviorism is John Watson (1878-1958). Large contributions to the implementation of the theory were done by Skinner (1904-1992). Behaviorists emphasize the influence of the environment on the behavior and development of children and produce three types of social learning: classical and operant conditioning and imitation (Steven, 2012). This theory deals mainly with the problems of formation and development of thinking in the process of learning is. The Swiss scientist Jean Piaget (1896 - 1980) has developed the fullest intellectual development. These theories focus on the interactions that influence behavior and are based on theories of Ivan Pavlov, John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner. These theories work with observable behavior as the process of development is considered as the reaction to stimuli, rewards, punishment and reinforcement. This theory is different from other theories because it does not focus on the internal feelings or thoughts of the child and focuses on the experiences that shape a child's personality.

This theory compares the behavior of people and animals in nature and focuses on the definition of general and specific behavior. Scientific direction of dealing with these problems is known as Ethology. Conrad Lawrence (1903-1988), a famous ethologist, introduced the psychology concept of imprinting. According to ethologists, man is born with certain fixed patterns of action, genetically determined forms of behavior - instincts (Tolman, 2001). The principle of combining a personality of spirituality and skills can be the basis for the implementation of socio-cultural approach to education. Socio-cultural approach to teaching preschoolers principles of graphic literacy involves the formation of artistic skills, knowledge of the history and theory of art, as well as spiritual development expressed in the culture of interpersonal relationships.

The theorist has proposed the earliest of theories on social development. He believed that the initial relationships a child has with caregivers are what influence the development and plays a major role in the process of learning.

Psychologist suggests children learn behaviors from watching other people (Smith, 1998). Unlike other theories on behavior, he ...
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