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The psychology of the individual depends upon many factors. The environment also has a significant impact upon the development of the children and upon the psychology of the children. This paper is also related to understandings of various aspects of psychological development of the children and the impact of the psychological behaviors on other factors of the life. In this paper, the case study of selected children is discussed first and then in the later section, the comprehensive analysis of the child is discussed by combining all three case studies related to the child in question. It is also analyzed and discussed that what developmental literature and environmental factors have contributed to the child's development. In the last section, the recommendations regarding the support of child's optimal development are discussed.



Introduction and Child Chosen

The name of the child that is selected for the analysis of the psychological behavior is Spencer. Spencer is a four year old child that is attending school for children his age. He is currently being raised in a lesbian household with two parents both his mothers. His two mothers who have been in a long term relationship since Spencer was born. Spencer was adopted and his biological mother was thought to have had a drug problem. Spencer is not in any way left out because the parents how attention and affection to him however, the Spencer is not shown the art of responsibility or the art of rules in his home environment. This aspect is making the impact upon the psychological behavior of the Spencer because he is not adopting the sense of responsibility. The basic fact about the family life of Spencer is that he is living in a lesbian community environment where his mothers are trying their level best to arrange the social time and skills for the Spencer. Despite of the efforts, the mothers feel that the Spencer is lacking the positive male bonding time. As Spencer is the male and he needs attention of male individual so that he can develop the skills and thoughts that are required for the males in dealing with the societies. The mothers strongly feel and this is a concern for both mothers that the Spencer lacks the attention and the company of male role model. The absence of the male role model is directly affecting the skills and abilities of the Spenser. In order to cope up with such situation, various psychological aspects will be required to consider.

The following section aims at discussing about the case studies that are conducted to understand the psychological behavior of the selected child and later the literature review will be included and based upon the analysis of the literature the recommendations relating to the case will be made.


Case Study: Early Childhood

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