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Grief and Loss

Grief and loss are not only related to the death. Grief and loss related to the death of a loved one, whether family or friend is known as mourning more precisely. Grief is the natural process that is followed after a significant loss, whether a person, a relationship, an object, a situation, the loss is just the release of a person, a relationship, an object, or situation. Grief and loss are also directly related.

Grief is a process that will vary according to the relevance of the loss, and therefore will be more or less long and more or less painful as the ability to adapt to the new situation. It is known that the loss has passed and completed the match when you are able to remember what was lost without pain and not cause and emptiness.

As mentioned, death is one of the best known forms of loss, and mourning the beginning of the grieving process. But another very common loss is divorce, which must also follow a process of mourning. Employment is a more frequent loss too, and it also requires a grieving process (Worden, 1996, pp. 1-68)

Not only adults go through loss and grief. Children, for example, experienced significant losses, when one pet dies, or when parents separate each other. The grief may go through several stages, depending on the loss, although there are generalities that can be applied to almost any loss. In the duel is recommended:

- No stored feelings. That is, not to swallow the pain, tears, fear, or whatever it is this feeling.

- Do not resort to false comfort of drugs, alcohol, or self-prescription. Instead, they can only make matters worse.

- It is advisable to take important decisions. It is best left for later when the pain is easing.

- You have to look into the future. The actual loss does not mean that life is over.

- Do not reject the support of others. For example, if the loss was employment and economic situation requires it should not refuse help from others.

- Patience: for himself and for others, especially when there are people who do not understand the grieving process and can make recommendations that are not the best.

- Rest. If there is a chance, have fun.

- We must help overcome the loss and end the duel. Do not drop and remain chained to the past.

When the duel lasts more than recommended, depending on the situation, we must be careful as may be the start of the depression. Helping someone who lives a grieving process, not only in mourning, it may be difficult but not impossible. On the contrary, more support is when a person may need (Wolfelt, 1996, pp. 36-78).

Depending on the loss that is experienced will depend on what recommended to help the person. However, as in the duel, there are some general recommendations can be made:

- No need to talk. It can be much more advisable to have a willingness to ...
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