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Ans-1) The sports psychologists uses a number of techniques for boosting confidence and improving performance of the top athletes. A few of which are as follows:

Trigger Words: public announcements, rough weather conditions, an athlete's significant others as well as his or her opponents can break concentration. Words that explain the technique, such as elbows, stay forward and stand tall smooth, are most useful. Sports psychologists direct athletes to say these trigger words to themselves when they find that they are breaking concentration.

Visualization: a technique used in all types of sports. For example, in the New York City Marathon in 1983, the New York Road Runners Club hired a Columbia University sports psychology team to carry out different workshops on marathon training. The marathon course features several confidence-breaking hills. The techniques which these coaches used in training the athletes were telling them to assume up-hills as down one and to visualize a flawless performance.

Posture Adjustment: Instructors training skiing on the slopes use this approach, especially for those athletes who are timid and cannot focus. Instructors may ask such athletes to watch the posture, stance and alignment of a professional skier. In mimicking a professional's body position, the athlete may experience a new-found confidence and control. (

Ans-2) Surveys generally find that 60% or so of adult Americans get little or no exercise. Less than 10% of school children walk or ride their bicycles to school. But in the early 1970s, over 60% walked and biked.

The major cause of lack of physical activity in the face of so much publicity about exercise and fitness is change in the human environment. Previously people used to walk to school or work, but, nowadays they just cannot. In addition to this, the reason why people do not engage in exercise is lack of time. Here is where trails can benefit tremendously: safe and attractive routes to work, to school, to church, and to shopping are all ways that people can combine exercise with necessary trips. Instead of driving to the gym to use the treadmill, our goal should be to make trails part of everyday life for more people (

Ans-3) One may have heard everywhere to the greatest of the extent about leadership. Everyone has a different opinion about leaders, some say leaders are made, and some say leaders are born. Actually, it doesn't actually matter how we build a leader but, we all need leaders in every field of life, be it a country, an organization, or your home. To create an understanding about leaders, we can clearly define them as, a person with the ability to make individuals follow him with their own will.

Human resource falls amongst the most important of assets of any organization. Therefore, one can imagine the level of requirement and importance of a leader in any business. We might always experience that why have not my argument accepted but, his or her have. Here, we can see the differentiation in our and a leaders ...
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