Psychological Effect Of Ped's On Athletes

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Psychological Effect of PED's on Athletes

Psychological Effect of PED's on Athletes


The idea of using Performance enhancement drugs sounds good to many people and athlete all around the world but it has sever implications of both physical and mental effect of a human being. The most infesting concept about this is how physiological change is related to psychological change in a human body. Everything we do with respect to our physical aspect of our body has some sort of psychological implications and effects. The physical effect of using performance enhancing drugs are horrible and the psychological effects are generated because f those physical effects. Both effect on our body and mind are related and its effect are sever when combined.

Effect of PED's on life There are many kinds of performance enhancement drugs that are available and every drug has different physical effects but the psychological effect of the drug is more or less the same. The main course we will discuss in this paper is how the effect of some drugs effect the way we think. Athletes around the world do not realize the concept of using these drugs. These drugs completely change the way a normal human thinks. Rationality and logical function of the brain changes into emotional functioning state with respect to gender. In all stages of usage of PED, a person goes through different psychological aspect of life (Dodge & Jaccard, 2006).

There are two types of physical effects associated with using these types of drugs. The first effect is called as anabolic effect and the second effect is called as Androgenic effect. Anabolic effect is associated with muscle building part of the human body it unnaturally grows muscle on the person who is using these drugs. On the other hand, the androgenic effect is responsible for giving make traits in body such as change of voice and increase of hair growth in a human body. Bo th of these drugs have harmful effect on the physical system and functioning on a human body. Effect are different on both the genders, for males usage of these drugs can lead to prominent breast, baldness shrunken testicles and impotence on the other hand for females it increasing the tone of voice, enlarges the clitoris and increases hair growth.

Pre-usage effects

A lot of psychologist over the years has neglected the study of pre-usage effects of these drugs. These drugs create an empty hole inside the psychological mind of as person. A question will answer this question in detail why do athletes use these drugs. When athletes train or workout on their respective gyms or areas they see other people who use these drugs and because of their physical effect of boost in growth all the athletes are compelled to use these drugs. This feeling when an athlete observes that other athletes are using substance to grow their muscles or enhancing their performance compels them and due to extreme competition, they go for PED to see change in their body and ...