Psychoanalytic Approach To Family Counseling

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Psychoanalytic Approach to Family Counseling


This research paper is about the family counseling approach in dealing the stress, depression, and the levels of anxiety disorders in the family, often caused by an individual. The family counseling intends to eliminate the level of depression and disorders, associated with the ill-identified people. It has a variety of concerned areas in the life of families, and therapists are always ready to treat the disorder among the suffering ones.

Psychoanalytic Approach to Family Counseling


In this paper, the approach of psychoanalysis is discussed in terms of sociology. It was first achieved by Sigmund Freud. It is the process of treating the people suffering from unconsciousness in their lives. This approach helps people in gaining access to their unconscious thoughts in a conscious way. The emotions of depression and bad experiences persistent in thoughts are released with this therapy (McLeod, 2007). At the end of this paper, there is also a personal integration section of faith in family counseling approach regarding the social aspects.


Psychoanalysis: An Overview

Psychoanalysis is the most common method of treating depression and disorders related to anxiety. It is cathartic in nature for supporting people to meet their emotional disorders. It refers to the differences in the psychopathology, life experiences, ethnicity, religious belief, personality, or any other fact associated to the psychological vulnerabilities of a person (Altman, 2007).

Psycho-Social Combination

The combination of psychoanalysis and sociology has been under sympathetic criticism with respect to the principal productivity. Both the studies have unease in the ideology of epistemology, and the state of subconscious or conscious mind as a science. A person having disorders related to biology and constructivism cannot be treated with any psychoanalysis at all and hence cannot be brought in collaboration with the sociological needs (Clarke, 2006).

However, practically psycho-social approach has provided innovative results in social sciences. Using psychoanalysis in social science provides clear approach to the emotional area of research based analysis. It enhances the research ability rather than the typical theories' standards (Clarke, 2006).

Family Counseling

The approach of psycho-social analysis is being implemented broadly in family counseling practices, and the results are no doubt of immense worth to the society. With its psycho-oriented nature, it helps to improve the mental level of the individuals of the society. It does not mean that it corrects the biological or medical disorders; it just helps people to improve their mentality (McLeod, 2007).

Self-Care Management

Family counseling intends to the self-care management of the patients, which is truly challenging from the social point of view. Its role in treating the heart failure (HF) cases is significant. The patients attend the interviews of the advanced practitioners that are based on the themes of communication capabilities. The transformed information is analyzed in terms of the cultural aspects, and ways to overcome the barriers. Besides these, patients are provided the detailed information, guided about the skills and resources management from the hospital to the home. This therapy of investigating and healing on time and long-term approach proves to be beneficial in achieving positive impacts of ...
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