Psychiatric Emergencies

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Psychiatric emergencies

Psychiatric emergencies


With the developments in different fields of study and various professions, a number of models and theories have been established to ensure that the professionals gain higher degree of expertise and also succeed in dealing with their respective profession with maximum precession. The following paragraphs also deal with the analysis of a situation using various models of nursing that have been developed with the increase in specialization, and assist the professionals getting better understanding of the issues and thus resolve them properly:


FOCUS and PDCA are the two most widely used models for assisting the medical and nursing staff in handling the behavioral emergencies and dealing with the diverse and complicated issues, which do not emerge on regular basis, but need special attention and care in handling.

Use of FOCUS model for identifying the possible causes of the problems of staff

According to FOCUS model, the nurse as well as the other medical staff members should pay special attention to the issues and problems of the patients and instead of dealing with issues on general basis, special attention should be paid to the condition of each patient. According to the model, the staff should ensure that each patient is treated differently and in case the patient needs special care and attention, it should be granted to the patient and his issues should be individually considered (Durand and Barlow, 2009). Thus, the FOCUS model implies that the staff members are treating all the patients in the same manner and are unable to focus on their individuals issues, which include catering to their behavioral as well as psychological problems. The case reveals that the patients is suffering from some behavioral disorders and thus needs different and special treatment, which the hospital staff was unable to deliver.

Process for improving the procedure

In order to bring about improvements in the situation, the staff members must get special training in order to deal with the behavioral issues of the patients successfully and should also learnt to treat various patients differently. This implies that the same rules should not be applied to all the patients and the mentally ill patients should be granted special leverage, thus ensuring that they are treated properly, using the right method (Ayers, et al, 2007). This implies that the attitude of the staff towards special patients and their method of treating them should be changed considerably to ensure that all the patients are properly treated and in the right manner.

Organization of the team for brining improvement

A team has to be organized in order to ensure that the staff members are properly trained and skilled, thus allowing them to perform better in future. The team would be headed by a leading psychologist, who would inform the individuals about the special needs of patients with behavioral problems and the methods of dealing with them effectively (Weiner, Graham and Naglieri, 2012). A few other psychologists and special education specialists would act as facilitators and would assist the head psychologist in providing examples to the team ...