Provide And Discuss And Explain Someone Who Annoy Or Disrespectful Please Explain Why This Behavior Was And Is Appropriate.

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Provide And Discuss And Explain Someone Who Annoy Or Disrespectful Please Explain Why This Behavior Was And Is Appropriate.


“As a parent? how do, you know for sure if your child's behavior has crossed the line and become truly disrespectful. I believe the distinction between mild rebelliousness and disrespect has to be drawn very clearly. In addition? here is how you determine whether your child has gone too far: when he is being rude or complaining that something is not fair? ask yourself? Is my child expressing general frustration about the injustices or challenges of life? or is he being deliberately hurtful? condescending? or abusive? I believe that when kids engage in mildly rebellious expressions of frustration? it is a sign that you clearly have the authority (Adubato, 33-35).

Do not take it personally

Respect? disrespect? and compliance are often issues that become entangled between parents and kids. Here is how I see it: parents have a right to expect compliance from all the children who are living in their house? even if that child is 22 years old. Often? the friction is caused by an adolescent's legitimate need to become more independent as he develops (Bahlman, 65-73). This is precisely where parents and teens come into conflict: the parent wants compliance and the adolescent wants independence. Now let us take it one-step further: When the adolescent does not comply? the parent feels disrespected—and they make the mistake of personalizing that feeling. I think that teens have to learn to solve the problem of compliance in healthy ways. However? parents also need to understand that many times? their child's small acts of rebelliousness come from the fact that they want to be independent—it has nothing to do with disrespect (Bahlman, 65-73).

Here is an example. Let us say a teenager is late for curfew. The parent says? Why are you late? The kid gives them some excuse? and the parent asks? Well? why did not you call. The adolescent replies? Well? I did not want to be embarrassed in front of my friends. The parent comes back with? Well? you are not going out Friday night as a result; you have to take more responsibility to be on time and to call if you are going to be late. While giving the child this consequence is fair? if the parent then says? you have no right to disrespect me that way and they take it ...
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