Provide An Overview Of A Service

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Provide an overview of a service

An Overview of a Service


NMC is a regulatory body which governs the standards of nurses and midwives all over UK. They have nurses and midwives registered with them; they provide them benefits, keep them up to date and maintain a check and balance upon their performance in the field of nursing. NICE is an organization directly answerable to the Department of Health, it is effective in Wales and England. It provides free treatment to patients and provides guidelines how to bring the cost of treatment to an economical scale.

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) is a legal body which was setup by the parliament of United Kingdom in 2002 through the ordinance of Nursing and Midwifery in 2001. It is a regulatory body of UK which regulates the professions of nursing and midwifery with an aim to safeguard the wellbeing and health of the public of UK. It maintains registers and databases of nurses, specialist public health nurses and midwives by reviewing and setting standards for their conduct, reining, education and performance. It has a duty of investigating allegations against the nurses about impaired fitness to practice.

The National Institute for Health and clinical Excellence (NICE) is a specialized health authority directed by the English National Health service (NHS) which serves the public of England and Wales. It was setup in 1999 under the name of National Institute for Clinical Excellence. The department was merged with Health Development agency in 2005 and then preceded its working under the name of National Institute for Health and clinical Excellence (NICE).

NICE has the responsibility of publishing guidelines for three areas. It provides guide lines for the use of technology in health which specifies in area of medicine use, treatment methods and procedures involved in treating an illness. The other are of NICE is to guide the practitioners for clinical practice which includes appropriate treatment and care for patients with specific diseases and conditions. NIC also provides guidelines for health promoters of the public sector and how to avoid ill - health.


Role of NMC

NMC is a regulator of nursing and midwifery professionals in the United Kingdom which includes the regions of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the islands. They are formed to safeguard the health and wellbeing of the general public. They set standards and review the existing standards of education, performance, and training and conduct so that midwives and burses provide best quality healthcare consistently to the public throughout their careers. They have the responsibility of ensuring up to date skills and knowledge of nurses and midwives to maintain professional standards. They have a transparent and clear procedure of investigating nurses and midwives who are alleged to not maintain the standards.

The NMC has a very transparent procedure, they maintain a register of nurses and midwives, they teach and train them, and they highlight those nurses and midwives who are fit to ...
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