The knowledge applied towards the routine actions of our life, carried out according to the will of God is said to be wisdom. Proverbs 3:13-18 also state that the individual who discover such wisdom, will eventually attain happiness. These verses are the summary of various benefits of searching wisdom of God and understanding it.
Historical Background of the text
Solomon, in proverbs 1:20-33, refer wisdom as a woman. Same happens again in Proverbs 3:13-18. However, there is a difference between both Proverbs. In Proverbs 1, wisdom is illustrated to be angry with people as they did not accept his advice. On the other hand, Proverbs 3 talk about people who love wisdom. They accepted the advice of wisdom which brings good things to them such as long life, honor, and wealth. When we walk with wisdom and integrate it in our lives, our existence becomes beautiful and content (Bright, 2000).
In Proverbs 3:13-18, Solomon has stretched his warning to nail down the faith in God by setting out this section with the happiness brought out by wisdom. In these verses, he has created hymns, without using imperatives, which praises the worth of wisdom (Beyerlin, 1978).
Background of Book
Proverbs were written by Solomon around 900 B.C. These proverbs were penned down during his reign as a king, he ruled Israel for 40 years. His rule brought wealth and peace to the nation. His workmen built great temple (house of God in Jerusalem_ and great palaces. The nation of Israel reached the peaks of spirituality, economics, politics and culture (Matthews, 2006).
This book of proverbs offers simple, short and straightforward truth, principles of wisdom, and illustration on how to live a life according to God's will and commands. The book illustrates that knowledge is a collection of raw facts; however, it is wisdom which gives people ability to see individuals, situations, and events as from God's perspectives. Solomon reveals the mind of God in his boom of proverbs. These matters pertain to the personal conduct, business, and sexual relations. Wealth, ambition, charity, debt, discipline, character, childbearing, alcohol, character, revenge, politics and godliness are amongst those several topics that are covered in the collection of these wise sayings (Childs, 1979). While, laws are given by priests, Prophets offers Prophecy, the sage i.e. wise man like Solomon offers wisdom/counsel for living a happy life.