Protection From Harassment Act

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Protection from Harassment Act 1997


Protection from Harassment Act 1997


Commissioner for Data Protection is an independent agency that ensures compliance with the law. Pursuant to a previous version of the Data Protection Act were registered 225 000 organizations and businesses, although it is believed that this figure is much smaller than the total number of entities to be registered. In 1997-1998, the Commissioner has accepted more than 4000 complaints and issued a guidance manual for homeworkers, financial intermediaries and agencies to monitor debt. The provisions on privacy and provides a number of other legislative acts, such as laws governing the conduct of medical records and storage of information on consumer credit. This group also includes the rehabilitation of offenders Act (1974), the Telecommunications Act (1984), the Police Act (1997), S.4 Broadcasting Act (1996) and the Act on Protection against harassment (1997). Certain provisions of these laws amended or repealed in part due to the adoption of the Data Protection Act as amended in 1998. Law of Evidence for the police and criminal investigation (1984) gives the police the right to enter private homes and make it searches without a warrant in case of arrest the owner for any offense. And though before his arrest, the police have no right to require the person presenting the documents, she was allowed to stop and search on the street, anyone who raises suspicion. Each prisoner delivers the DNA sample for inclusion in a national database.

Discussion & Analyses

For the past twenty years has repeatedly taken steps to adopt a law on freedom of information. Code of Practice on Access to Government Information, adopted in 1994, provides access to public records, but includes 15 major exceptions (Boland, 2005). Those whose requests for information were rejected, may submit a complaint to the Minister through the Parliamentary Parliamentary Ombudsman. In May 1999 the British government issued a draft law allowing access to government archives and introducing the post of Commissioner for Information, designed to enforce the law.

Given the scale of the problem - we would identify some 150 deaths each year because of domestic harassment - the government has prepared a bill to improve the means of fighting against aggression and protect victims. Presented to Parliament in December 2003, the text was finally adopted in November 2004. It aims to amend the 1996 law on the family. Harassment in the couple does not constitute specific offenses (Boland, 2005). Depending on circumstances, they are qualified homicide, attempted homicide, malicious wounding, intimidation, etc. Domestic harassment can also fall under the 1997 law on protection against harassment, which is a specific offense, defined as the act of scaring or hurting others, provided that the actions complained of did occur at least twice. Threats, annoying telephone calls, excessive noise, etc. qualify as harassment. In determining the sentence for these various offenses, the law applies: the judge, which has a large faculty of judgment, may consider the relationship between aggressor and victim aggravating circumstance to ...
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