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Protecting Assets And Sectors Of Critical Infrastructure

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Protecting Assets and Sectors of Critical Infrastructure



Set Goals and Objectives5

Assess Risks6


Implementation of Protection Programs7

Measure Effectiveness7



Protecting Assets and Sectors of Critical Infrastructure


This paper will discuss the risk management framework of CIKR. The paper will also discuss different steps of risk management framework.


National Infrastructure Protection Plan aims to develop secure environment for the United States and to prevent, deter, and mitigate the effects of different efforts made by terrorists to destroy the elements of CIKR of the nation. The Plan also aims to strengthen the preparedness of the United States to respond towards emergency. The protection includes different actions aim to mitigate the risks to networks, functions, systems, and assets (Haddal, 2010).

In order to meet its goals, NIPP has developed different objectives. The objectives of NIPP are following:

The first objective is to understand and share information about threats of terrorists and other hazards

The second objective is to develop partnerships to share information and develop CIKR programs for protection

The third objective is the development of risk management program which is long-term

The fourth objective is to utilize resources in an efficient manner

Figure 01: Manage Risks

In order to achieve these objectives, it is important to develop a collaborative partnership among the partners of CKIR. The partners of CKIR include the Federal Government, Local, State, Tribal, and Territorial Governments. The partners of CKIR also include regional coalitions and private sector. The risk management framework of NIPP includes a set of flexible processes that are utilized by the partners of CIKR in order to develop and implement the national program. The cornerstone of the NIPP is the analysis of risk and the framework for risk management and analysis. The framework establishes mechanisms and processes in order to integrate the information related to vulnerability and threat. This allows the organization to assess national or sector risk (Haddal, 2010).

The risk management framework is structured to promote improvements. The purpose of the framework is to enhance protection of CIKR by concentrating on different activities. The framework put forth efforts for the assessment of risk. The assessment of risk is based on the consequences, vulnerabilities, and threats. The results of different processes of CIKR result in different activities for risk reduction and management. The risk management framework of NIPP is customized according to the fundamental characteristics of different sectors of CIKR.

The implementation of protection programs is a great challenge because of the uncertainty of threats and emergency situations. In order to be effective, the program must be implemented through the use of organizational structures. The NIPP defines the structure of organization that provides the framework for coordination of CIKR protection efforts. The sector-specific planning and coordination issues are addressed through coordinating councils that are established for different sectors. The representatives of owners and operators make up the Sector Coordinating Councils (SCCs). The GCCs Government Coordinating Councils comprise the representatives of the SSAs. The Government Coordinating Councils create a structure for the collaboration of different representative groups from all levels of governments. The engagement and coordination with foreign governments is important to ...
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