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Prostitution in young women between the ages of 20- 30 years

Prostitution in young women between the ages of 20- 30 years

Introduction And Definition

Prostitution is the act or practice of engaging in sex acts for hire. In most cultures, prostitution is viewed by many as a deviant profession, either illegal or socially discouraged. There are accounts of this crime in all parts of the world with references to it in most cultures; even the Bible has accounts of prostitution. (Preston 2007:105-106)

The sex industry is a very old profession. It is managed by prostitutes, pimps, and the johns (the customers for sex). It is considered a victimless crime, even though some would disagree after viewing the quality of life and abuse that is evident in prostitution. Many times the prostitutes are beaten by pimps and raped by johns. Most prostitutes do not even get the money that they earn. It is criminal because of its offensiveness to others and it can hurt business owners that have establishments near them. It is also damaging to the moral fibber of our society. (Potterat 2009: 233-43)

Prostitution is immoral because it causes harm to society. Although it may not cause physical harm it can cause psychological harm to society. The law must protect society from harm whether physical or psychological. Protection of society's well-being includes mental well-being. Especially we must protect the future of future families, the young women. Young women in their early years gain an understanding for right and wrong, moral and immoral. They should be protected from such psychological damage prostitution may cause. The same reasons prostitution should remain illegal. It offends society and can make members of society feel threatened to take their children, if not themselves out into public. If you are going to draw a line it must be a solid line with no exceptions to the law. (Michael 2009:69-89)

The opposition may argue that although it may be offensive, it does not harm society physically, thus it should not be illegal. Something should not be illegal just because it is thought to be immoral. They also argue for the "right to choose life" and "equality for men and women". It would also encourage people to be more open with their sexuality.

Kinds Of Developmental Activities

  Strategies that focus solely on arresting the prostitute are seldom effective. The strategy to reduce the harm caused by prostitution rather than eliminating prostitution is more likely to succeed. At best prostitutes and the client both must be arrested to do this. The strategy must not only get prostitutes off the street and stop their offensive behaviour but also give them viable alternatives, either to get them off the streets or even conduct their business in a less offensive locations, times, or ways. This requires the cooperation of the police and various service organizations. (McCall 2004:44-50)

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