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Prostitution is the exchange of sexual intercourse against agreed payment. The person who receives the compensation against this act is known as a prostitute or sex worker, and the person who receives sexual service is known as multitude. Many a factors contribute towards the entry in this profession. Some of these factors are childhood sexual abuse, early home leaving, age, debilitated financial situations, and drug abuse. Many of the prostitutes have been encapsulated at least one of these problems while some have weathered them in combination. The legal status of prostitution varies from country to country, in some countries is legalized and regulated, while in other countries, it is punishable.

Prostitution is a social problem across the globe. It is said to be the oldest trade in the world, its existence can be traced back from the ancient Greece, where it was closely associated with religion. Over the period of time, it has amalgamated itself into the institutional system. Many a times it was thrived by society, and was called as an illegal act, but all the times it floated well. The notion behind calling prostitution a social problem revolves around the damage it cause to the well being of society.

First and far most is the view of looking women as sex objects. It creates a fine line between sex and love, respect, relationship etc. Similarly a woman becomes a product of satisfying man's physical drives. Secondly it undermines the dignity and value of the institution of marriage by encouraging adultery among married men. Thirdly prostitution debilitates the overall health of community by spreading the sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS, hepatitis B & C, syphilis etc. The infected prostitutes transmit these diseases to their clients who come in physical contact with them. Fourthly, prostitution weakens the financial position of community. The treatment of the diseases transmitted via sexual activities with women can become a huge burden on individuals. In addition to this, when marriages breakup due involvement of husband in adultery with a prostitute, the payment for divorce and other transfer of benefits have a huge impact on the financial position of community as a whole and individual, particularly.

With the passage of time, prostitution evolved at a greater pace. These days both men and women are involved in this heinous activity. Besides sexually transmitted diseases and its impact on the financial position, prostitution these also becomes a medium for violence and crimes. Many prostitutes have been raped, beaten, killed by their buyers because prostitutes are seen as a vulnerable target for men to get the sexual needs fulfilled and to kill and discard. On the other side, many prostitutes have robbed their clients during the sexual acts after all none of the party can call the police, since prostitution is illegal.

The main reason for selecting this topic is the devastating impacts of prostitution on the society. Prostitution, as a matter of fact, gives pleasure to those who receive this service against certain payment, at the same time gives an opportunity ...
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