Pros And Con Essay On Nietzsche

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Pros and con essay on Nietzsche

Pros and con essay on Nietzsche


In this essay we will discuss the work of Nietzsche from his novel, Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None. Friedrich Nietzsche was a German philosopher and in this novel he has presented the ideas like the death of God and the prophecy of the Uberman. We will consider two broad topics from this novel work for our analysis. Similarly, we will discuss the pros and cons for each topic. The first premise that that we will discuss is that the Nietzsche believes that everyone should try to become a Uberman in order to fill the gap which has been created due to the death of the God.

Similarly, he believes that the Uberman which he considers as a superman should try to make new rules which should foster the individual superiority. In the second premise we will consider the belief of the Nietzsche who argues that in order o become an Uberman the lies of the common people which he calls herd should not be believed because most of the times they lead to slavery. On the other hand, the Uberman should try to engage his will to the truth because it leads to power and transcends the death. The character that he has presented in his novel is a 30 year old person naming Zarathustra who wants to be a holy man (Uberman) and wants to fulfill the gap that has been created due to the death of the God. We will now discuss the pros and cons given by the Nietzsche based on his premises.



Nietzsche argues in his book Thus spoke of Zarathustra: A book for all and none, argues that God is dead and now his mission has to be fulfilled by some holy man. The premises given by Nietzsche are based on many connected thoughts and arguments. He has based his argument upon three controversial premises.

(1) All man should seek to become Uberman.

(2) Engage the will to truth that leads to power and a creative gaiety that transcends death and

(3) The happiness of personal evolution can fall prey to the spirit of gravity unless one selfishly embraces the eternal return.

In this essay we will try to analyze the strength of these arguments. Similarly, we will also try to find out any mistakes evident in these objections.

Objection to Premise 1

One of the important arguments which are given by Nietzsche is that he believes that in order to create an Uberman the traditional wisdom is not sufficient and therefore it should be avoided. Similarly, he believes that self gives birth to the ego and the values and virtue is only created by the man. . He also rightly argues that it is necessary for a person that his self must be much higher than the common people only than he will be able to fulfill the role of the God as an Uberman.


Nietzsche has rightly identified the objectors in the ...