Proposing a framework for optimizing the use of LOs and LORs for teaching and
learning in the Malaysian Primary/Secondary School
Proposing a framework for optimizing the use of LOs and LORs for teaching and
learning in the Malaysian Primary/Secondary School
Information and communication technology ICT has resulted in providing a number of opportunities for learning and getting information from all the over the world. There are various sources and sites available on internet, which provide information about every topic. There are a number of different opportunities available for the students to access these materials and use it for learning and educational purpose. Internet is a major source of information and education, but there are various problems associated with it. With the advancement of Information technology and means of communication, there are also a number of different aspects associated with change in traditional ways of learning. Under the system of ICT, there are new networks and efficient systems which allow internet users to share information globally. In last many years, there are also various efforts to deal with the unauthentic and below standard learning material. There are also a number of different websites, which also contain wrong information. This wrong and unreliable information can also results in misleading students and other people looking information for some practical use. It may also results in creating major losses and mishaps in real life implementation of this wrong information.
Thus, wrong information also affects the learning objectives of educational programs. This is the reason that it is main concern for the online educational courses and other such learning programs. It is very essential to locate and remove such unreliable content from the internet. These “reusable digital learning resources, usually referred to as 'learning objects' (LOs), and the organized content delivery mechanism for pieces of educational content, described as 'learning object repositories' (LORs)” (AlMegren & Yassin, nd). LOR is very effective mechanism for the collection of learning objectives. Learning objects can be the objects that provide assistance or content for the learning. There are various learning objects available on internet such as topics, modules, learning programs, and courses. These are more commonly found learning objects on internet, learning object repositories assist in gathering these different objects.
Learning Objects LOs management is a major concern for the academic institutions and online resource libraries, LORs provide solution to deal with major concern. Apart from this major issue there is also problem with the application of learning objects to bring improvement in learning and teaching methods. This is one major concern associated with the management learning objects. Learning Objects are very essential to define and set the goals of learning targets, but there is still problem to identify that how these information and LOs be effectively applied to improve teaching and learning. It also becomes a serious concern in the early education process. Schools especially primary levels are the foundation of academic learning. Therefore, it is very essential to start with correct relevant material or content for learning at the early ...