Subject: Implementation of Onboard program (orientation or organizational entry and socialization program)
It is to bring to your knowledge that our company Winsome Consultancy is continuously loosing its market share to the competitors. Our clients have shifted to our competitors, mainly because of the service that our consultancy provides is not seen to satisfy the needs of our customers. The quality of the service provided is deteriorating, due to which our company is exposed the risk of loosing business.
The HR department has conducted an in depth analysis for identifying the main cause which is affecting our business negatively. The results conclude that quality training is found absent in the new consultants.
If our company is to remain competitive in the market an onboard program will have to be implemented immediately. An onboard program will help to educate, assimilate and welcome the new consultants into an organization. The onboard program builds lays the foundation for a work environment, which promotes productivity, performance, collaboration among the employees, and most importantly it helps to align the employees with organizational mission and vision.
With the implementation of this onboard program our company would be able to overcome the problems of high employee turnover ratio, eliminate the cost of new hiring every six months, and entertaining to the needs of customers to full. This also helps in retaining the talented employees, and will also help in regaining the lost market to the competitors.
Organizational socialization is also referred to as employee onboarding. Onboard program is not important to small business but, has proven valuable for large business as well. Employees are more likely to become more productive and stay longer with the company, if the onboard program is implemented properly. Onboard program helps these new employees to integrate with the culture and clearly understands the structure of the company. In order to attract the talented employee and retain them nearly all the businesses have started to implement onboard programs (Vrouvas, 2012).
The training department after closely analyzing the result of derived from the analysis of the HR department has decided to implement an onboard program which will consist of the following elements:
Employee orientation
Diversity training
Company Benefits training
Ethics/ Code of Conduct training
Technology Competency training
Employee Orientation
This process begins before the employee has even joined. Planning in advance will allow spending quality and productive time with the new employee on the first day. The first day at job is both exciting and stressful. Therefore, it is very necessary to make new employee feel welcomed. The manager or the immediate reporting authority should be there to greet the new employee and offer a warm welcome. Next, it is the duty of the onsite manager or the HR manager to walk the new employee through any important forms or procedures, introduce the new employee to the new staff, and should take the new employee on the tour of the ...