Prophets And People Who Claim They're Prophets Today

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Prophets and people who claim they're prophets today


Any 'individual bearer of charisma (e.g. as demonstrated by ecstatic powers or MAGIC) who by virtue of his or her mission, 'proclaims a religious doctrine or divine commandment' (Petersen, 1979). For Weber, it is the 'personal call' and personal revelation of the prophet which distinguishes him or her from the priest, who has authority only as the 'servant of a sacred tradition'. Weber also notes that prophets have usually come from outside the priesthood. A further significant distinction in Weber's discussion is that between ethical prophecy, in which the prophet proclaims God's will (e.g. Mohammed), and exemplary prophecy, where the prophet demonstrates by personal example the way to personal salvation (e.g. Buddha). According to Weber, the latter is characteristic of the Far East and the former appears initially in the Near East, and is associated with the appearance of conceptions of a personal, transcendental, ethical God only in this region

One of the operations that characterized the Prophet, is found in the Book of Hosea 9: 8, there is written that "The Prophet's Loop hunter in all His ways, and hatred in the Household of God”. The Prophet is someone who:

1. See God at some point in his appeal. (Genesis 17: 1, Exodus 3: 2 to 10, Isaiah 6: 1 to 3 Amos 9: 1).

2. See what God sees, in order to understand the essence of what is going to run. (Samuel 9: 15 to 17, Exodus 25: 9, 40, Amos 7: 1, 8: 1). 

Power /Authority of Prophets

Each Prophet is endowed with special powers which are often interpreted as miracles by common human mind as it is literally not possible for the normal person to perform such deeds. It should also be recognized that miracles are by and large not for the use of inducing the non-believers to amend their faiths and accept mightiness of a single God. Rather scholars conceived it as a blessing of God bestowed upon them for a variety of motives and circumstances. At the same point it should also be stressed that prophets was sent to all the nations of world present in different locations and times. Each community had particular circumstances and nature and power of Prophets are customized to fit the situation which in turn assist them to accomplished their mission in the best possible way with in that particular situation. When Moses came, magic was a mounting notion among people so he was awarded with a stick which had the power to part seas. Jesus came with power to heal any wound and alive the dead; during his time, medical studies were of utmost importance. During the time of Prophet Muhammad, literature and knowledge was highly regarded by the Arab and poets enjoyed a respectable position in the societies. So prophet of the Arab was awarded with a holy book which was a miracle in itself and which left the greatest poets of the entire Arab continent speechless. However, in the context of authority, all prophets have professed as found in the holy books (Bible and Quran) that the ...
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