Propaganda Model

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Propaganda Model

Propaganda Model


This paper contains the analysis of propaganda model in terms of its importance for understanding and studying media power. The Propaganda Model was advanced by Herman and Chomsky as it focuses on the power connection of ideology and communication with the social power, politics and economy of the country (Herman & Chomsky, 2004 pp. 107-103). Mainly, propaganda model is associated with the behaviour of media. It is a tool for influencing the world focusing the thoughts of people. Researchers have been regarding it as the weapon of persuading the mass media. Media has been the source of information for both the official and public consumption, including academic, alternative and mainstream media.


The propaganda model was devised by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman in the year of 1988. The model incorporates the acknowledgment of mass media for informing and entertaining the masses, but it emphasizes the use of propaganda for minimizing the antagonists and indoctrinating people.

Concepts of Propaganda Model

Basically, propaganda is defined as the method of influencing the population's attitude towards the desired ideology of the state. Usually, it contains political aspects of the militaries and the government for controlling the masses (Lang & Lang, 2004, pp. 93-101).

According to Chomsky and Herman, the nature of the propaganda model is hard to understand democratically as compared to the government efforts to control the interests of country. Considering this nature of the model, Chomsky relates the violent and dictatorship conditions with the democracy and propaganda of the country. Analysing this thought of Chomsky, the concept of propaganda goes in favour of the democracy as it depends on it. It cannot be treated as something negative, but it has its impacts. The democracy involves the provision of news based on its method and extent. Therefore, the model includes the creation of mass media with consciously deciding the worthiness and significance of the news (Herman & Chomsky, 2004 pp. 107-103).

Five Filters of Media

The authors have described the model of propaganda in terms of five filters, including the interests of owners, the opportunities of advertising, the dependency of experts' opinion and information, the significance of flak and the dominance of ideology. These filters present the way in which mass media is presented among the consumers (Herman & Chomsky, 2004 pp. 107-103). These filters indicate that the model is associated with the behaviour of media rather than its effects. The material related to media should be filtered by these five factors. So that, only cleansed and purified content is printed and published (Klaehn, 2005 pp. 1-20).

Neglect and Hostility of Propaganda Model

Propaganda model was intended for the betterment of media and its behaviour; however, the effects of media are also targeted. Propaganda is extended through the use of media, focusing the news outlets of America. Propaganda is based on intentionally committed communication, resulting in conflicts among the masses pertaining to the social and political conditions and circumstances. Use of media for spreading propaganda is the easiest and accessible way as most of the people ...