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Propaganda Advertising

Propaganda Advertising

Propaganda is the presentation of ideas designed to persuade a group of people to think a certain way. Developers of propaganda often selectively present facts and information in a widely accessible format to ensure it reaches as many people as possible with a message that may be positive or negative in nature. While any campaign designed to persuade people can be considered propaganda, regardless of its message, most people think of it as a negative thing. Examples can range from anti-German posters used in the United States in World War I to public health campaigns intended to encourage parents to vaccinate their children.

Media creators working on a propaganda campaign rely on knowledge of human psychology, looking particularly at how people behave in groups, to develop effective campaigns that will reach the target audience. Some are more sophisticated than others, and many rely on subconscious biases that are already present in the general population. These can be exploited to make people feel a certain way, triggering the desired response to the campaign. Appealing to a person's emotions, for example, or selling the idea of happiness can change people's minds in a way that a thorough examination of the facts of an issue might not do, or at least not as quickly.

As people develop a campaign, they must decide on the most effective media presentation to get their point across. Posters and cartoons can be highly effective and may reach large audiences; a striking image with simple message can stick in people's minds. Radio and television can be used for campaigns involving more information, and may more effectively use a well-liked figure or a "plain folks" character to speak to the audience. People may also consider producing leaflets and books to disseminate information to their target audience.

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