Promotion Of Museum

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Promotion of Museum

Promotion of Museum


The museum exhibits culture and history of a place. The promotional video of a museum should exhibit the richness and beauty of cultural heritage, which is in many cases integration reflected in its landscape and its interface with the rural environment in which located, which includes one's Museums (Moss, 1997, pp. 8.E-8.E).

The diversity of cultural heritage reflected in the number and characteristics of existing museums, distributed heterogeneously by the three provinces, and the various projects Fine referred the short and medium term. In this sense, the actions that have been carried out in the different provinces have been marked by the lack of coordination and the absence strategies and common approaches, which, coupled with the low momentum provided by the Government to the field of museums, has created deficits in the registration of museums and resources, and specific regulatory even coverage of different collections of museums and cultural attractions heritage. This has led to a broadening of some innovative projects in expense of remodeling or restructuring of existing museums, giving priority to Often the concept of "exhibition space" on the "Museum", which includes other essential elements of interest such as conservation, research and dissemination cultural heritage. Thus, there is a dichotomy within the sector between star and large projects international tug, as the case may be representative of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, compared to other museums of great cultural and rich heritage that are in a precarious state of conservation or face severe disadvantages in staffing, space, economic resources, etc (Moss, 1997, pp. 8.E-8.E).

Indeed, the issue of technical training and retraining of professionals and heads of museums is one of the main demands formulated by people with whom the sector, and that despite valuing especially vocational training and dedication of those, feel the lack of the existence of specific plans for technical training this area as well as developing training programs supraterritorial, research, documentation, etc. (Lelièvre, 2006, pp. 293-296).


Approach of Promotion

Cultural Consumption

Systematic consideration of the citizen as a mere consumer of culture rather how a public resource of the first magnitude to generate it (the culture is created, is not consumed). The increase in cultural consumption of the population and access to museums has also brought negative aspects that constitute a weak point counter, as this increase has contributed to the store to consider museums and exhibition spaces of objects and subjects, and not exactly as research and conservation (Moss, 1997, pp. 8.E-8.E).

The increase in requests from local governments for cooperation the Provincial Councils economic under new museum initiatives is leading to a proliferation of municipal and private initiative. In this sense, despite the increasing number of initiatives in terms of investment is generating a significant misalignment between the expectations, needs and available resources to ensure the cultural amortization infrastructure required. There are complex institutional and political competences. Global overview of museums confusing and lack of coordination cross: poor presence of the Government as a coordinating and homogenizing interterritorial and harmonization strategies in museum work, lack of ...
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