Promoting Positive Behaviour

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

Promoting Positive Behaviour


Child development plays an integral role in developing the personality of the child as he grows up. To live a gratifying and momentous life, two areas are very important for the individuals. Interpersonal relationships and intellectual capability development defines the proper development of a child. Researchers are concerned with addressing the issues that lead to stimulating negative behavioural responses in child. Child experiences in early stages of life, relationship with family members, close attachment with parents, and social upbringing affects the behavioural formation of a child which defines the behavioural stimulated responses either positive or negative.

Child development is distributed in multiple dimensions that differ according to context and impact on child behaviour. Numerous things simultaneously influence the mental, physical, and emotional development of the child. Child development is determined according to these three principle dimensions which defines the behavioural consequences of a child as he grows up (Adams 2009, 19). All these three states are interrelated to each other; lack of concern on any of these dimension affect the other two subsequently. Behavioural responses of child are consequences of experiences he had in his early stages of life. It is essential to address the key areas related to child development that may create potential problems in normal upbringing of child (Bee 2006, 27).

Concern is placed on intervening in the issues which enforce and stimulate negative responses in child. Researchers agree on the point that in the end of the day child development is holistic. Minute things which may appear to be insignificant for the parents may have noteworthy impact on child condition which initiates undesirable behavioural actions by the child (Adams 2009, 23). Adolescence and teenage period is characterized as one in which human being has the competence to form firm, cooperative, and mutually compassionate relationships with other human beings.

Brief Introduction to Case

Callum is an eleven year old child who lives with his mom. He meets his father at weekends when he comes home for overnight stay every weekend. His sister and two younger siblings live with his dad and one brother lives with his nana. There is no one to accompany him at home except his mother. He appears to be a normal boy just as like other kid and a person seeing him for the first time cannot recognize his development problems except that his speech is being a little slow.

He has been living an isolated life since very early age which has created psychological changes evident in his actions. Considerable impact of such kind of a life is evident in his cognitive capacity as his pace of capturing the information and encoding the environmental stimulus is quite low. He feels difficulty in studying and majority of time is unable to socialize even in class. Series of events have contributed towards Callum's poor development. When he was born, he was starved of oxygen, and was given artificial respiration twice. His mother started recognizing the problems when he reached the age of ...
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