Promote Equality And Diversity

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Promote Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in work with children and young people

Promote Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in work with children and young people


With increase in diverse cultural society it has become important that children and young people are made aware of the values of diverse culture and society. Awareness will help children learn about equality and its role in respecting values and norms of diverse cultures. Equality and diversity are important aspects of the society one lives in. Cultural, religious and ethnic discrimination has long influenced the society and people living in it.

Despite of the advancement in technology and increase awareness and education, society is still subjected to diversity, discrimination and equality issues. To overcome cultural disparities and diversity, inclusive practices at work, school and in community needs to be encouraged at all level so that equality can prevail easily in the society. Children face discrimination and prejudice issues that lead to negative influence about diverse cultures in their minds.

Equality, diversity and inclusion practice in work with children help in underpinning the future generation hence helps in develop a strong community. Interactions and communication with children can increase equality and can help reinforce the values of diversity in them at a very young age. This will foster them to respect diversity, reduce prejudice and will increase sense of acceptability among them. Equality in children helps them increase self-confidence and self-respect and at the same time develops respects for others they live and work with in later part of their lives.


Importance of Equality and Diversity

Equality promotes fairness in society where every individual can participate and has the opportunity to accomplish their potential. Equality can be achieved in society by eliminating prejudice and discrimination and fostering inclusive practices in work especially when working with children and young adults. Discrimination needs to be tackled at all levels in workplace.

Diversity on the other hand, stresses upon individualism with respect to different aspects in terms of social cultural and religious differences. Diversity is equally important as equality in workplace. In workplaces and organizations diversity is given significant importance. This is because diversity in workplace ensures that the needs and requirements of every individual working in the workplace are well comprehended and met with respect to employment practice and service mean (Ozbilgin, 2009, pp. 75).

Equality And Diversity In Working With Children And Young People

Children and young people are an integral part of the society that needs a voice to make their needs and requirements known to the world. Promoting equality and diversity at work with children and young adults provides them a way to use potential opportunities, choice and autonomy within the limits of safe practice. Promotion of equality, diversity, anti-discrimination and inclusion helps at work helps in achieving better and positive outcomes for children and young adults (Tassoni, 2006, pp 23). It is important that at a very initial stage of learning, equality and diversity should be promoted by teaching the values of these two to children through ...
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