Project Selection Risk

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Project Selection Risk

Learning Management System Project


Learning management system is basically a software application that is used for the record keeping, documentation, administration, management and delivery of courses related to the e-learning system of education or special training programs (Machado & Tao, 2007). These systems can be have multiple applications that may range from the management and documentation of educational and training records or software that are used for the online or other combined courses through internet, LMS holds all aspects of the education and learning process (Palumbo et al, 2012). Many colleges and universities around the world make use of these learning management project systems (LMP's) for the online education and training programs as well as for the automated registration and record keeping of employees and students (Zedan & Ajlan, 2008).


This report is my refined version of the plan and project proposal regarding the learning management system project at Grantham Univrsity; this report contains all corrections based on the recommendations of the Grantham University

Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives of this plan is the implementation of learning management system technology that will support areas of the campus that will include instruction, campus and student services. Sharing of information and coordination between the internal and external participating organizations. Increasing the job performing ability and efficiency of the staff, facilitate online delivery of courses and data security at high level, will strengthen the technology base for the future and will also eliminate the entry of unnecessary data through the organization.

Project Approach

This project aims for the installation, training and successful implementation of the Moodle (Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment). This project will start with a beta installation, the 1.5.3 version of Moodle will be installed, with added features created and checked by the GU. Before the month of October new hardware will be installed and current Moodle will be transferred to the new hardware, this will be followed by the migration of existing courses as soon as possible after the installation. There will be around 47 courses that will be shifted to the Moodle during the session 2013-2014. Moodle training will be conducted through online means by the help of @one and face-to-face trainings. The last step of the installation of the software would be to create a Moodle course shell for every course listed in database automatically.

Equipments Required

The hardware required by the Learning Management System Project will be two monitors, one PC, one Apple Computer, one X serve RAID ( Fiber channel PCI-X Card, 7 TB HD, service and etc), three Apple X serve G5 (Dual 2.3 GHz, 8 GB RAM, 160GB, 10 kRPM HD, service, etc). The software required by the Learning Management System Project will be OS (operating system) that is pre-installed, database (Moodle allows for use of MySQL), web server (Moodle allows Apache), SIS Integration (middleware apps).

Project Schedule

Following is the project schedule or project milestones along with the estimated completion dates.

Project Milestone

April- June 2013

July- August 2013

Sept 2013

Sept-December 2013

Jan-April 2014

May-July 2014

September 2014

September 2015

Installation and Testing of BETA

Specifications and order ...
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