Project Post Mortem

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Project Post Mortem

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Project Post Mortem

Date: 18th September, 2012



Subject: Project Post Mortem


Project Post mortem memo serves as an effective tool for analyzing the performance of the project. It can identifies shortcomings and helps in coming up with a strategy to make things smoother for the future. Every stakeholder needs should be addressed in this meeting and everyone's participation should be made mandatory. Management should ensure that by the end of the meeting everything should be sort out and an effective mechanism for enhancing the productivity of future projects should be made. I am writing this memo, so that the organization learns from its mistakes and improve it continuously.


Benefits of Post Mortem Review

The benefits of a post mortem review will come from analyzing what went right and what went wrong during the training. The company will get to find out how effectively the training sessions were conducted. Any mistakes made during the training will get highlighted during the post mortem session. It can serve as continual improvement process for the firm to work upon. It will highlight how effectively the resources have been utilized for conducting the training. The whole management will be taking this meeting seriously and an effective post mortem review will help the company from minimizing future risk and increasing the productivity of the training sessions (Dingsoyr, 2004).

Things such as how the trainings were conducted, what was the participation level in the training and how effective were the trainers in conducting the training could be analyzed through this meeting. Feedbacks can be taken from the stakeholders, which can serve as a valuable tool for improving future programs. The results that have come as a result of training in terms of productivity raised could be analyzed in this meeting. For a company to move forward, it's very important to learn and improve its processes.

The outcome that arises from conducting the training will be discussed and future actions towards how things can be improved would be made in the meeting. If things haven't gone the way the firm wanted, the company will have a proper mechanism to further improve its processes.Risk could be minimized and productivity could be raised significantly. 360 degree feedback management approach could be adopted for such sort of meetings, to come up with significant outcomes for resolving issues.Post mortem reviews should be made a part of the organization's culture for any event taking place. It doesn't matter if things are going great, yet there is always a room for improvement.

Drawbacks of Post Mortem review

Drawbacks of a post mortem review are that it can waste the precious time of a company. For conducting an effective meeting it's vital that all the stakeholders attend the meeting. It would be hard to make everyone attend this meeting, as everyone will have their business commitments. If the post mortem review is just done for the sake of a meeting purpose, it can waste the precious time of a company.

It is a general observation that once ...
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