Project Management Plan For M3

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Project Management Plan for M3

Project Management Plan for M3


The Mobile-Mini-Mart (M3), as the name suggests, is a project of convenient store that will be installed in movable trucks that will stock a variety of food products for different occasions. The idea is generated from the realization that international students and the elderly people find it hard to look for super stores or mini marts in the area where they live. Thus the initiation of this project will provide them with the help and support to buy the things they need at affordable prices and convenient areas.

Project Feasibility

The most important thing for the success of any projects is its preparation so that they consequences and hurdles can be identified at the beginning and the best alternative is selected. If the planning is flawless, then the project will be successful for sure. Thus, the project will be successful and will achieve the desired and planned financial revenues for the stakeholders. The feasibility plan helps the initiators of the project to attain an idea about such issues and the consequent outcome. Hence, feasibility study should be prepared before engaging in any project (Alehremi, 2009).

Feasibility and Sustainability of M3

The initiation of M3 (Mobile Mini Mart) has the goal of providing services to the people that have a serious need of this particular service. The international students and people of elderly villages need this service because they do not have a personal conveyance of travelling and thus they need to find a way out to reach the food items for their daily necessities. Otherwise, they will have to use the old food items that they buy weekly or bi-weekly. Along with that, this project will also help the Australian economy to grow because it will focus on the products that are nationally grown.

The main focus of this project is laid on the international students and the elderly villages because CDU is the only university in the Northern Territory, which covers around 1.346 million square kilometres. This is a very vast area and is composed of 17% of the Australian landmass. The population of CDU includes more than 70 nationalities which is a very large number (, 2013)

This is the fastest growing economy in Australia; hence, the project is very feasible to be conducted. The economic growth of Northern Territory is projected to be 3.8% which is way higher than the national rate of 2.6%. CDU is the centre of business, education and culture of Australia's Northern part. Darwin plays a vital role in Australia's upcoming economic growth and the enduring expansion of the entire Australian Asian region (, 2013).

This project feasibility report gives a conception of the project so that all the analysis is done before laying down the foundation stone. We hope to achieve a better economic growth of the country and create an ease for the individuals living in the nearby areas. The aim of this project is not only the gain of money, but providing flexibility to the ...