Project Management Plan

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Project Management Plan

Project Management Plan

Project Management Plan


Project management lies in the core of setting up any new project, and from planning to execution to getting functional; the mangers have to play their part at each and every step. The procedure is same for all type of projects and organization, though handling is different depending upon the nature and type of project. The case under discussion deals with setting up a restaurant, and the project management team has to make exact plan for execution of the idea and setting up of the residential project, which would be detailed in the following paragraphs. In addition to providing the basic idea and recognizing the major stake holders, the management team also has to evaluate risks involved in setting up a residential project and has to find ways to combat the uncertainties, even before the work has actually started. It is eminent to mention here that for huge budget projects, extensive planning has to be carried out before hand so that the investment is intelligently made and maximum benefits can be obtained instead of wasting time and money on trial and error.

Timeline of actions

The project under discussion in this case is Penn- American Development project. The most important step in project management is deciding the timeline for actions and moving in accordance with that. For the case under discussion, the following timeline would be followed:

1-7-2011: The project would kick off, and the actual planning regarding the residential area started.

15-8-2011: The plans were presented to the investors and for their approval.

1-9-2011: After getting approved from the investors, the actual building work started, thus the building stone of the project would be laid and groundbreaking took place.

15- 10-2011: While construction continued, marketing process started and advertisements were placed in leading newspapers.

1 -3- 2012: The model apartment was completed and thus the project was open for visits.

25- 10- 2012: The residential project would be formally opened for public, after being properly advertised and visited by a few politicians and famous people.

While developing the timeline, it has been kept in view that considerable amount of time must be granted to each and every step and there are no chances of missing any deadline. As the construction procedure takes most of the time, all the steps have be given enough time according to their importance and estimated time consumption.

It is also eminent to mention the distribution of time that has been considered while developing the timeline:

The general working hours are considered from 8 AM to 5 PM, with one hour break in the middle and weekends are exempted. The calculations are thus based on eight working hours in a day, which makes 40 hours in a week. Although these calculations and time distribution is applicable to all the individuals involved in the project, they might be asked to grant extra time to the project, in case there is shortage of time (Adams and Wilson, 2006). The cost of the project has also been calculated precisely but there ...
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