Project Management Integration In Organization

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Project Management Integration in Organization


Increased competition and emergence of globalization suggests that organization must evolve and innovate on continuous basis to remain successful and satisfy its customers and this calls for effective management of information and knowledge gained from the projects through effective integration of project management and treat it as a general way implementing organization functions and operations.

Project Management Integration in Organization


Project has been defined as an important concept that combines different resources in order to produce something that did not exist in the past. It has been suggested that every project has intangible and tangible results such as a creation of new software is project as while the production of thousands of software cannot be termed as a project. Additionally every project has a result and some type of beginning or end. Project management can be use for prediction of risks and dangers that any organization may face in future by planning, organizing and controlling the activities in a successful manner and through effective management of the risk identified (Polyaninova, 2011, pp. 3). Recently many organizations are taking interest in making project management and important part of their everyday functions and effort for achievement of general organizational objectives through effective management of knowledge.


Project Management

Project Management has been defined as the process of application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities in order to meet project requirements (PMBOK, 2005). Kerzner suggests that every project involves and employs a larger number of people and is based upon series of activities and tasks that have specific objectives and needs to be complete as per given specifications, well defines start and end dates, pre specified budget, make use of both human and capital resources, multifunctional (Kerzner, 2009). This gives people a chance to learn and develop their skills and knowledge. Therefore the knowledge learned during the process can be managed to be used in general functions of organization. Other additional factors that promotes employing of project management in conducting different business activities is increased global competition, innovative and new product development, product life cycle compression, outsourcing, downsizing, customer satisfaction and focus, technological innovation and advancement (Frey, 2009). All the above mentioned challenges provide every organization management with a motive to remain competitive and to learn new ways of knowledge management that they tend to acquire during different types of projects. Project management need to be integrated in general organization functions by making important changes in the culture and working methodologies of organization and making learning an important and continuous process for its employees. This will not only help in making organization more sustainable but also improve the knowledge and skills of its employees through effective sharing and reapplication of the information learned.

Knowledge Management and Integration of Project Management

Another very useful definition of project management that points towards the importance of knowledge management suggests that “Project management is the process of the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements (Project Management ...
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