Project Management

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Project Management

Project Management

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Project Management


Project management can be defined as a planned effort, to accomplish a certain project. It includes planning, organizing and managing resources which leads to success in achieving the project. Project management includes the planning a project, identifying tasks and goals which are to be achieved. A well executed project leads to the success of the business. Project management is associated with 5 types of processes which include initiation, planning, executing, controlling and closing. A successful project can be evaluated on the basis of these steps. Professionally, project management should be carried on the basis of different projects and the goals which are set up in order to achieve those projects. Project management plays an important role through life. At some time of life, it is being used by everyone. It is a source of great help to teach lesson for life (David, 2006).


There are different aspects of the project management that has been proved to be very useful for the managers for performing their daily functions of the management at their work. Nature of the Projects

According to (Snyder & Parth, 2006) project management practices started to emerge in the 1950s. The United States Department of Defense was the first to use the project evaluation and review technique (PERT) in implementing one of its missiles projects. Around the same time the critical path method (CPM) was used in the construction industry to manage major projects such as building bridges and tunnels. Both methods, PERT and CPM, were used to schedule tasks and resources in complex projects that deal with uncertainty in the project environments. Lechler, Ronen, and Stohr (2005) found that both techniques focused on scheduling activities in a single project in a way that minimized the lead time. The ultimate goal of project management was implementing projects in the optimal timeframe, while considering the triple constraints of time, cost, and project scope.Initiation of Project Management

The literature on the project management practice is rich and controversial in term of the project constraints and best practices. The triple constraints principle in project management, is still valid today. The main objective of any project is the improvements in time, cost, and quality (Angelides, 1999, p. 79). Recently project management practice was considered a strategic function. In his study about project success, Cicmil (1997) argued that success requires more than just the proper scheduling and budgeting. If organizations want to implement successful projects they should consider the project management function as a critical and strategic business function in the organization. Project management practice was defined further with the establishment of PMI. Based on the PMI (2007b) this organization was established in 1969 and introduced the standards for project management and practices in the United States. Today the PMI has over 240,000 members who together pursue the advancement of the project management field. The PMI (2005a) stated that to enable this collaboration PMI has created local chapters and special interest groups to allow the members to network together based on their industries, ...
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