Project Management

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Project management

Project management


In my opinion, Rosa should go with Scarlett Rivera suggestion to train the managers, as every leader cannot be a project manager, but every project manager should be a leader. So to make the project successful following key success factor should be considered. To achieve the desired results from a project, a project manager needs to have inspired, focused, and pleased staff working on the project.

Setting Projects to Achieve Organizational Goals

As a new project manager walking into a half complete project that has run over allowance, behind schedule, and, in addition project team has, low morale, only adds to the challenge lying ahead. Since key people of the project have left in disgust of the project progress, rest of the team feels pressured, stressed, and concerned about the work they are about to obtain without any compensation. In a situation like this, role of the project manager does not change that much, in fact, it becomes even more fine-tuned to the goals of the project at hand, and to the needs of the people that are going to make the project a success. Along the way, some of the actual work may require to be selected up by the project manager in areas he is familiar.

At times like this where the allowance has passed the allotted amount, and the project is running behind schedule. Project manager needs to evaluate his group for their qualifications and their capabilities in order to make a decision. If to charter some assist to replace the key people that left, or to compensate the people that stuck around in rough times with the project with the salary he would pay the creative people. Off course, the second option may prove to be more economically feasible, assuming the current group has the capabilities to complete the project, since the project is already over budget. For some members of the team, monetary compensation is not even that important as social stature inside the organization or recognition for his hard work. To satisfy the needs of such persons and, project manager should also find a way to recognize the group for their dedication to the project and hard work that they put in.

Successful project team

In order to construct and manage a successful project team, a project manager will need access to the many distinct resources and processes. Gray Larson states that, "Project Managers conclude and apply the ways and means to competently and effectively utilize human and nonhuman resources to reach fixed objectives." In the preparation of a new project, a manager must have a clearly characterized understanding as to what is to be accomplished from the implementation of the project. After attaining this information, the Project Manager must outline and construct a project plan that will specify the steps that will be taken in order to achieve a successful implementation of the project (Midler1995, 363).

A powerful team of knowledgeable professionals will be assembled to assist in consigning certain services throughout the project until ...
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