Project Management

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Project Management

Project Management


The Scottish Parliament Building (Edinburgh) was designed as a purpose-built parliamentary complex, housing 129 MSPs and more than 1,000 staff and civil servants. The building aimed to create a poetic union between the Scottish landscape, its people and its culture. The building has won numerous awards including the 2005 Stirling Prize, and has been described as a tour de force of arts and crafts and quality without parallel in the last 100 years of British architecture.


Construction project is more competitive than ever before because of its important and dynamic role in the process of sustainable economic growth and development of any nation, and more than half of the gross fixed capital budget in Scottish landscape normally takes the form of construction output (Oke, 2006, p78). An inadequate financial resource (capital) is pointed out as the most serious problem the industry is currently facing. Only those contractors, which can effectively manage construction projects, will continue to survive (Goleman, 2002, p12). This report will base on formal project life cycle, describe all elements for success of project. The report is dived into 4 main parts include: initiation, planning, execution and closure.

At first, initiation of project needs to carry out within sub-activities. The reporter has to consider about the feasibility study in the case of this project, setting the project's objectives, give specific organizational structure for Scottish Parliament Building Project and define the skills as well as role and responsibility of Project manager.

Second, the planning of project will be performed. In there, it include: project plan which require to create Work Breakdown Structure for all activities of project and paint AON network to perform the link between tasks on the project, human resource plan to determine the number of staffs who will participate in Scottish Parliament Building Project as well as calculate the cost for each staff, financial plan describe the expenses which company have to pay when they organize Scottish Parliament Building and the last is risk plan which use for schedule all the risk which can arise during the project.

The third is execution phase, it like a part for manager to monitor and control all activities in the project. There are 4 main essentials which manager needs to manage carefully include: time, cost, change and risk. For them, it really needs to create a process for managing the effective of each of them. Beside that, in each essential, manager needs to create a form which can get ideas or feedback from their staffs since staff is the person who works directly within the project.

The last is closure to review and close the project. In there, reporter needs to review the whole project to describe the result of project after finish all activities. And mention about the impact of project in the staff as well as manager.

Role of the Project Manager and the Project Management team

The Project Manager has developed work packages for those tasks which he deemed ...
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