Project Management

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Project Management

Executive Summary

Development of PDAware Project Management Software began in July of 2000 and the first version was released for beta testing in January 2001. It was developed to significantly improve the way today's workforce manages projects. With the rapid growth of PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) use, the product offers tremendous advantages to professional project managers, as well as the thousands of other workers assigned the responsibility of managing projects every day. PDAware will be positioned as a high-end software package that enables project managers to review, maintain and synchronize their project data via wireless technology. There is currently no other company that produces this type of software with the management features we've developed. It will be packaged and sold in retail markets where PDAs are sold, sold through traditional online software vendors, sold via the PDAware company website, sold via targeted direct mail campaigns, and also sold through cooperative agreements with leading PDA manufacturers.

Project Management


Purpose of Plan

The Odessa Mobile Technology Project Plan will supply a delineation of the task, encompassing the project's goals and objectives. Additionally, the Plan will assist as an affirmation between the next parties: Project Sponsor, Steering Committee, Project Manager, Project Team, and other staff affiliated with and/or influenced by the project.

The Project Plan characterises the following:

Project purpose

Business and task goals and objectives

Scope and expectations

Roles and responsibilities

Assumptions and constraints

Project administration approach

Ground directions for the project

Project budget

Project timeline

The conceptual conceive of new technology

Background Information/Available Alternatives

Debbie: This part should recount the work you have finished to designated day, the alternatives you had with consider to hardware/software and an interpretation of how you reached at the conclusion to use L3 and Tiburon.


Project Approach

This part should summarize the way you will roll out the expertise, encompassing the largest grade milestones. For example: Phase I: Secure affirmation with vendors (L3 and Tiburon) Phase II: Order/Install Equipment

Phase III: Install/Test Software

Phase IV: Conduct Hardware/Software Testing

Phase V: Conduct Training

Phase VI: Implement ARS/AFR

Phase X: Secure Equipment

Goals and Objectives

Business Goals and Objectives

The enterprise goals and objectives for this task will aim on applying wireless expertise that:

Improves agent, fire-fighter and civilian safety.

Facilitates coordination and data distributing both interior and external to the taking part organizations.

Enhances the proficiency and effectiveness of employees to present their jobs.

Facilitates coordinated misdeed avoidance and reduction.

Provides high grades of facts and numbers security.

Provides open, flexible, dependable expertise groundwork for the future.

Facilitates the electrical devices arrest of facts and numbers at its source.

Is so straightforward to use.

Eliminate redundant facts and numbers application all through the organization.

Project Goals and Objectives Sample task goals and objectives:

Ensure that end users have input into the conceive process.

Accomplish task enterprise goals and objectives inside characterised allowance and time parameters.

Minimize influence to benchmark enterprise procedures inside the influenced units.

Craft a favourable and protected affirmation between the Department and the chosen v


The Project will insert new wireless technology; encompassing the following:

35 wireless devices

Digital CAD dispatch software

Car to vehicle messaging

Internet gets access to (?)

Automated area describing software

GPS/AVL for automated ...
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