Project Management

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Project Management

Project Management

Project Management

Part 1

Risk Analysis

Typically a general-purpose technology opens up new opportunities rather than offering discrete solutions; that is, it realizes most of its value by creating opportunities for complementary innovations. The main design consideration for a successful business model is to maintain control over the overall technical and business architecture. This involves acquiring control over the interfaces between various technical and commercial modules in the system architecture as a whole. Once a platform becomes established, it can impose its particular architecture upon an entire market.

a. Evaluation of present position

With regard to the compatibility claims by UKSoft and the lack of conformance by Qualipart presently the Qualipart board are very concerned that because the stock figures at the branches are incorrect and trade customers are being sent away without their goods, that their business profits will suffer long-term. Morale among the Qualipart staff is at an all time low as are relations with UKSoft. The roll-out has been achieved at only three locations. Some branches are still running the old system waiting delivery of new invoice printers. Some branches because of the delays at previous branches are still waiting for head office staff to be scheduled to assist them in their roll-out. UKSoft are in difficulties because of trying to deal with several branches who have switched over to the new system and are suffering various software problems. The PC supplier ran out of PCs with the correct specification and supplied alternatives which had led to incompatibilities with the software and network halting the installation at the last two branches who are now operating a manual system.

Part 2

Description and scope of Project

being to control a central module around which other companies develop complementary technologies and products. They observe the main levers of a platform leadership to include:

fostering a thriving ecosystem of external complementary innovators;

influencing architectural design through open interfaces combined with core intellectual property assets;

balancing consensus and control strategies towards contributors of complementary innovations; and

Looking at the transformation of the computer industry through both a technological and an economic lens, we can see that what seemed to be purely a problem of technical design - the allocation of features in functional blocks - has induced a radically different partitioning of the space of economic activity between different firms. Through this transformation, parameters of differentiation between products have been radically altered, and the nature of firms' sources of competitive advantage have changed.

Restoring relations with UK Soft

Reference to the stiff relations between UK Soft and Qualipart it is important to note that Businesses may well be joining consortia for commercially strategic reasons, virtually on a product-by-product basis. One of the most intense debates in transferring new technologies to markets concerns developing appropriate business models that will bridge the gap between what the technology does and what consumers may want from the technology, in what form and at what price. It would seem reasonable that decisions to develop standards as part of overtly commercial strategies would somehow form a ...
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