Project Management

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Project management

Project management

Task 2

Good practice in project management

PRINCE2 and Project standardisation

Actually PRINCE was developed as a UK Government standard for IT project management and because its launch, PRINCE has become widely used in both the public and classified sectors and is now the UK's de facto standard for project management. Although PRINCE was at first developed for the needs of IT projects, the method has also been adopted on lots of non-IT projects. The PRINCE Standard design and development work was undertaken by a group who co-coordinated a appraisal panel consisting of over 150 public and private sector organizations as long as input and reaction to the team.

PRINCE2 has turn out to be a UK national standard for project management professionals. One of the immense advantages of PRINCE2 is it's thoroughness but ironically, this can also hold back its users as they struggle to remember all the aspects of the method. PRINCE2 is standing on the experiences of scores of project managers, who have add, some from their mistakes or omissions, others from their successes. The method has been designed to be used on any type of project in any environment, tailoring the way the method is applied to suit the circumstances of a meticulous project.

Quality standards

PRINCE2 is the de facto standard used extensively by the UK and Cyprus government and is extensively documented and used in the public and private sector, both in the UK and globally. PRINCE2 has been intended to obey with the BS/EN/ISO9001 Quality Management Standard.

PRINCE2 Project Management Methodology says that the project should have: An organised and controlled start, i.e. organise and plan things properly before leaping in An organised and controlled middle, i.e. when the project has started, make sure it continues to be organised and controlled. An organised and controlled end, i.e. when you've got what you want and the project has finished, tidy up the loose ends. In case of the prince2, the Risk Quantification is reorganised into divide Quantitative and Qualitative processes. This may have the drawback of causing individuals to think that both are required to total Risk Assessment process, while qualitative methods of risk appraisal usually suffice for smaller projects.

I don't observe drawbacks to PRINCE2™ because it can be modified to suit local circumstances. It might even be a tool which is not pertinent. There are a number of pieces of work, e.g. producing a Strategy Document for a service which has a well established process. On the other hand it can be helpful on it seems that very vague pieces of work. For example, a Research Nurse was charged with a piece of work to map demand for a service with a view to capacity preparation. It felt like an huge piece of work and she didn't know where to start. Writing a plan concise and PID helped her range the project and understand she didn't have 'to do it all'

Strengths pf prince2

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