Project Management

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Project Management & Business Strategy

Project Management & Business Strategy

Potential & Produce An Org Chart

Step 1: Identify all potential stakeholders and relevant information (see below for some coaching on this)

Step 2: Identify the potential impact or support each stakeholder could generate and use a Power/Interest Grid to classify them (this will be the subject of the follow-up article)

Step 3: Assess how the stakeholders are likely to react or respond in various situations to help plan influencing them to enhance support or mitigate negative impacts. Sound like risk management? It's a lot like risk management.

Given the connection to risk management and threats, I would like to make a key point here: Opponents are also stakeholders. Let me illustrate with an example.

Cape Wind is a renewable energy project planned for the waters of Nantucket Sound. If Cape Wind is successful, it will generate about 3/4 of the energy consumed by Cape Cod with renewable, clean energy. It will generate 600 to 1,000 jobs in the area. Not everyone is a supporter, though. Observe this snippet from today's issue of Business Week: "the first large-scale effort to harness sea breezes in the U.S. hit resistance from an army led by the rich and famous, waging a not-on-my-beach campaign. For almost eight years the critics have stalled the project, called Cape Wind, which aims to place 130 turbines in Nantucket Sound about five miles south of Cape Cod. Yet surprisingly, Cape Wind has largely defeated the big guns. In a few months it may get authorization to begin construction. " Also, here is the promised coaching about ideintifying stakeholders. It comes to us via an excellent text, "The Handbook of Program Management", by James T. Brown:

Follow the money! Whoever is paying is definitely a stakeholder. Also, if the program produces savings or additional costs for an organization then the organization is also a stakeholder

Follow the resources. Every entity that provides resources, whether internal or external, labor or facilities, and equipment, is a stakeholder. Line managers and functional managers providing resources are stakeholders

Follow the deliverables. whoever is the recipient of the product or service the program is providing is a stakeholder.

Follow the signatures. The individual who signs off on completion of the final product or service (or phases thereof) is a stakeholder. Note: this may or may not be the recipient referred to in the previous bullet. Often there may be more recipients than signatories.

Examine other programs stakeholder lists. Include active programs and completed projects.

Review the organizational chart to asses which parts of the organization may be stakeholders.

Ask team members, customers, and any other confirmed stakeholder to help you identify additional stakeholders.

Look for the "Unofficial People of Influence". These may be people who are trusted by high-level leaders or who wield a lot of power through influence and not position.

The key to a successful project is in the planning. Creating a project plan is the first thing you should do when undertaking any kind of ...
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