Project Management

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Project Management Report

Project Management Report


Project Management is a framework that incorporates various phases and processes, to obtain the specified deliverables of any given project. Projects vary in terms of scope or size, but the applicable framework is similar for all kinds of projects. A project can be defined as “involving a series of inter-related activities with defined start and finish times” (Nokes, 2007). The framework acknowledges and incorporates the tendency for the scope and scale of the project to be differentiated, though the procedure offers flexibility in approach. This flexibility in the framework leads to an efficient and beneficial implementation of various kinds of projects. Furthermore, project managers are empowered with responsibility to alter, add or subtract process steps that are streamlined in the initiation phase of the project (Stevens, 2002). These changes and modifications are pursued to improve the deliverables of the project, or fulfill given requirements from the project.

The aim of this report is to select a project, and demonstrate the various stages of project planning required to complete the assumed project. As such the report would include an understanding of the project stages, its stakeholder analysis, risk analysis and resource analysis. Milestones would be planned and tools including critical path method would also be utilized. The report would also give explanations for particular steps recommended for the project and the tools that would be used, in this application of the framework of project management.

Project Selection and Purpose

The core purpose of the selected project is to implement an ERP system in a hypothetical organization. The chosen ERP system is SAP. Implementation would be made through rapid application development. The aim and objectives of this project is to equip the organization with tools that would help them attain required results and perform business functionalities efficiently and effectively. Business reengineering has to be performed to modify SAP in accordance to organizations needs and requirements. Later these processes would be automated to streamline its functioning in the organization.


Business ProblemThe hypothesized company is spread across the US. It's headquartered in the East, though its office network is spread as far as the Western States. Company headquarter, in the East, has already implemented SAP HCM Module to manage their workforce. West based offices are still functioning on legacy systems, and as such face major issues in coordination across regional offices. In order to synergize and coordinate, it is mandated that offices of the company in the West are also re-aligned to the IS set-up, as such implementation of SAP HCM Module is mandated, for the western office. SAP's HCM Module would streamline HR efforts of the company by improving the processes for recruitment, compensation and benefits, training and development and other human resource management facets of the company.

Project Objectives

Implementation of HCM modules of SAP

Staff in Human Resources (and across organization) should become users and analyzers of information, rather than simply processors.

Processes and procedures should be streamlined and standardized, leading to increase in effectiveness and efficiency of business ...
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