Project Management

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Project Management

Project Management


The core responsibility of the project related to the installation of more efficient systems, by replacing the personal computers with thin client; is dependent on the project manager and his team. In the contemporary business environment the advent of the globalization phenomenon has greatly impacted the overall organizational strategy of the companies, and has focused them to minimize their inefficient activities. In the traditional perspective the organizations did not have to content with the global competitive phenomenon, and they only had to operate in a relatively stable and national business environment (Kerzner, 2009). . However the advances in the technology have paved the way for the amalgamation of the diverse global business environments, and has eventually resulted in the contemporary unified global business environment. Although in the context of the global business community, the phenomenon of globalization has several positive factors, however for the individual business entities, several challenges have also emerged. It is due to these global competitive forces that the organization has initiated the project to increase its overall operational efficiency and become more competitive in the context of the global business environment.


The Project Management Team

In order to successfully alter the existent inefficient personal computer based network in the organization with the more efficient Thin Client system, the project management team has to develop a comprehensive strategic plan. This plan should be based on the knowledge and the expertise of the relevant professionals, so that the most ideal solution can be developed. Team management and task distribution can be defined as two of the most significant factors in the project management function. Although the successful planning and implementation of the project will be depend on the technically expert individuals, the project management team requires an individual who possess the managerial role.

Team Chart

Project Manager

The individuals belonging to the specified technical fields will help provide the expert knowledge which would enhance the objectivity of the project. These individuals would not have a comprehensive outlook, as they would primarily focus on their limited and specified roles. The project manager on the other hand will assume a big picture outlook, where he will develop a strategic plan for the entire initiative. The project manger would critically analyze the technical requirements of the given project and the relevant expertise that the team members should possess. It will be the task of the project manager to ensure that the overall project is initiated and finalized within the planned frame of time, and any operational dilemmas are rectified in a timely manner. He would also play an essential role of monitoring the overall performance of the relevant departments of the team, and ensure that the relevant members possess the relevant skills and information required to successfully implement the task.

Team Dynamics

As the relevant project is technical in nature, the team predominantly requires professional individuals who possess the adequate knowledge regarding the computer systems. The ERP system that is to be installed within the organization, will initiate one the old system of the ...
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