Project Management

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Project Management

Project Management

Question 1

a) Refer to a project with which you are familiar, and discuss how the statement of work was used in the management and measurement of performance of the project.

A new domestic tourism operator specializing in surf holidays wishes to build an interactive web site that allows the customer to see in real time the weather, wind, surf and other data relating to their destination. As a new and bold initiative the operator wishes to tie in the price of the holiday with the weather situation. Better waves and better weather attract a higher price and vice versa. It is a new and potentially risky project and the owner of the business has asked you, a recent project management graduate, to assist him in planning for this project.

Ideal conditions are always hoped for and even expected in the minds of travelers when they picture their holiday destination. This tool could create a level of reality that shatters the ideals of holidays. If a tourist knows the weather will not be good then there is a preconceived idea developed in there head before they arrive (if they continue with their reservation) that their holiday experience will not be all they had hoped for (Anderson, 2011).

Making sure all involved are fully on board and understand the projects goals, being that it is a new innovative project. There will always be a period where people are still slowly getting on board and understanding the true purpose of what is trying to be achieved. Regular communication to ensure everyone involved is on the same page will be paramount.

Compliance with legislation will be another factor needing consideration when setting up the project. There may be laws that involve interactive websites, the need for verification when publicizing information such as weather, and furthermore there may be hesitation from certain destinations that are against the tool in case it deters tourists. Any new idea will have criticism and kinks that must be worked out, and legislation is a major factor that must be complied with if the project is to have any success and longevity.

Costs are also a risk, including whether the customer will be happy to pay for the project after completion, whether they will pay a certain amount if the project fails (to cover the costs already invested), and finally whether the budget will be enough to see the project to successful completion (Cooper, 2010).

b) Now that you know more about project management and its tools and techniques, explain how you would improve the management of a project with which you are familiar.

The following questions can be discussed to help determine accurate answers that will help determine the scope of the project:

What is it you are supposed to accomplish by this project?

What is the project objective?

What should the outcome of the project be?

What is not included in the scope of your project?

If there is not enough definition from the customer to answer certain questions, clarify the scope yourself and send it to ...
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