Project Management

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Project Management

Project Management

Project Life Cycle

The life cycle of the project has been developed in function of the diagram attached Gantt, which is the result of improved and corrected some negative aspects presented by the original Gantt chart, which was conducted in Stage Planning Activities. The life cycle is not shown graphically each and every one of the tasks that make up the development of the Project: Superior Technology Center because it is considered a tool rather than entering into the detail of activities, should properly show the sequence of the main tasks and as the start date and end of each of them. Thus, it has a better monitoring of the progress and sequence of activities to be performed, obtaining feedback as a consequence (Cavendish, 1982, pp. 31).


This paper will discuss the approach to project management in which human issues are present, and there is recognition of the creative element of projects. Successful project managers establish appropriate team structures; lead and motivate individuals; manage conflict; attract, select and retain the best people, and manage change in a way which brings order into chaos whilst maintaining a creative, effective, efficient and productive environment. These are the competencies which a project manager should have in order to gain desirable goals and achievement. The competency which we will be discussing will be the leadership of a project manager. Leadership is the main task which should be followed by the project manager in order to gain control over its subordinates. Gaining control over employees makes easier for the project manager to take decisions regarding them and make efficient use the resource regarding their competencies; to work benefit for the company.

Tools and techniques of Project management


In PERT charts, projects can organize events and tasks. "An event (also called a milestone) is a point in time that represents the start or completion of a task or set of tasks" Stop illustrate the developments in the PERT charts have used a variety of symbols: circles, squares and the like. In PERT charts, these events are often called nodes. Each node is divided into three sections. The left side of the node includes the ID number of the event. This number usually refers to a legend that explicitly defines the event. The parties upper right and lower right of the node are used to record the maximum and minimum end of the event. Instead of dates, the time is counted from TIME = 0, where 0 corresponds to the date the project starts. All PERT charts have a start node and end node that marks the end of the project. In a PERT chart, tasks (also called activities) are shown by an arrow between nodes. "A task is a project activity ( or set of activities) " The arrow, include a letter identification task and the expected duration thereof. The direction of the arrow indicates that event must be completed before the other. The duration of the task results in the termination of the next ...
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