Project Management

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Project Management: Stakeholder Management Plan of Fairgrove Project

Project Management: Stakeholder Management Plan of Fairgrove Project


The company that I have chosen for project management is Walton Brothers. In order to effectively exploit opportunities and reduce threats posed by change in the organization, it is necessary to identify the major stakeholders that influence the entire process on them. Stakeholders are those who, directly or indirectly are influenced or influence on the organization. Stakeholders must also clearly understand what the program will and will not deliver. Expectations that are not directly aligned with the program deliverables will create a level of frustration and cause a loss of support for the effort (Shade and Timothy, 2006, 75-79).

Communicating the program expectations in terms of features, functionality, schedule, cost and quality must be an ongoing dialogue validating that stakeholders clearly understand what is proposed and how the program will meet needs. In this paper we are going to do stake holder analysis for Walton brothers which will start working on a new project named as Fairgrove. The company has identified an opportunity to renovate a large neglected garden of 50 hectares on country estate and open it to the public.

Stakeholder Communications Plan

Communication is one of the policies inherent in any activity undertaken by an institution, as any entity constituted by humans will need to interact, transmit, internally and externally, opinions, claims, needs and accomplishments.





Deals with legal requirements of the project



Possible union strike may impact material delivery

Letter and internal Memos


Advertisements in newspaper, TV and internet


Ensuring on time delivery of materials

Newspaper and Letters


Resource and scheduling constraints for production once project is transitioned to operations

TV and Newspaper

Communication with stakeholders

The finished product of a stakeholder analysis is a communication plan that is part of the comprehensive plan project. Communication effort, mode and frequency depend on the ...
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