Project Development

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Project Development


The purpose of this piece of study is to discuss how an initiative could be taken in order to make the fundamental changes to the culture, structure, and operational mores of an organization. The motive here is to discuss these aspects in the context of the organization Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC, which is the United Kingdom's fourth largest food retailer by sales. This study aims to discuss that what are the needs, nature, and scope of bringing a change in the culture, structure, and operations of an organization. The paper will also lime light the costs, timings, systemic requirements, and other resource implications needed for the project. Further, an operational plan for the implementation of the project combined with the monitoring mechanisms would also be discussed in the study.


Many experienced people and professionals often create numerous plans in order to bring about effective changes in the organization. However, the chances of success or failure of those plans depend upon the careful implementation of designed strategies and plans. Thus, it is critical for groups and individuals to frame all the plans and strategies efficiently and effectively. Moreover, another most important thing in this regard is the strong leadership, without which these changes are difficult to implement effectively in the organization. In addition to this, there are certain necessary steps also that are involved for bringing organizational changes, and the desired outcomes could be achieved through successful implementation of these steps. Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC is one of those organizations that have successfully implemented organizational changes and have obtained desired results out of them.


Today's fast changing business environment has increasingly involved the needs for planning, implementing and managing changes, and most of the organizations have practiced them successfully. These dynamic environments also require dynamic people, processes, culture, and systems for managing change effectively in order to optimize the response of the organization to the opportunities and threats prevailing in the market (Irwin, 2008, pp. 301). However, managing change could be successful if the organization follow certain steps and apply certain principles. Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC is the UK's fourth largest food retailer with having 475 stores across Britain, serving over 11 million customers weekly, served by nearly 131,000 employees. Thus, managing change in such a giant business is not as easy as it seems. Morrison PLC has developed numerous strategies in order to cater the needs for change, and ultimately to attain the long term goals of the company. The major factors for the company are the needs for evolving market, internal capabilities, and customer's satisfaction. Thus, for the purpose of achieving remarkable success in these areas, Morrison PLC has developed certain plans and strategies (Dive, 2004, pp. 76-82).

The initiative strategy of Morrison PLC

The initiative taken by the company Wm Morrison's PLC was their strategy to deliver long term sustainable growth by building their traditional and primary strengths in the areas of quality, fresh food, value and services, and all these strengths were backed by a combination of the company's unique ...
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