Project Controls Training

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Project Controls Training

Project Controls Training


The paper highlights the importance of training of project management abilities for handling project cases. The first day of training consists of the effectiveness of project screening and ensuring the smooth execution of the project. The second day discusses the project management process, skills and capabilities of the project manager, the project lifecycle stages, and the control issues of the project management process.

Project Conception and Initiation

The idea is carefully examined by the help of business model and indicates what is beneficial for the organization. This business model helps taking a decision that if the project is realistic or not.

Project Planning

There could be accurate project planning through business model these give priorities to the project steps and its management (Analoui, 1989).

Project Launch and Execution

The process is defined and clarified by the business model. The model defines the stages through which a project has to go.

Project Performance and Control

It controls and measures the performance of the project after the execution process. It controls activity that can create a deficiency in the project management.

Project Close

After the project is completed till then, the business model performs its efficiency and makes the project successful.

Project Management Processes

Initiating the Project- Since the formulation of an idea through to implementation and evaluation of a business case and establishing the priority of an idea for a possible project in relation to plan activities of government / ministry to other organizational priorities and resource limits.

Developing the Plan- It is important to carefully plan the project to ensure the efficient allocation of resources to project activities and implementing them. At this stage, we establish the general structure of the project activities and the work plan and schedule that will provide the basis to the process of project management throughout its life cycle.

Execution- The project activities are executed, monitored and measured according to plan and organizational structure of the project were defined in the previous step.

Monitoring & Controlling- The stage of the project includes not only the completion of planned activities, but also evaluating the success and contribution to these efforts, as well as ongoing review and consideration of the perpetual status of project progress and outstanding issues, respecting the initial analysis of the case for the project.

Closing Out the Project- To ensure the success of the continual improvement process, it is among others to define a systematic process to end a project. This process involves the evaluation of successful components of the project, and the identification of possible improvements, best practices can be applied in other projects and assessing the performance of members of the project team (King, 2001).

Project Time management

It involves determining What Gets Done and when through activity Definition, activity sequencing, activity Duration Estimating, schedule Development and schedule Control. Gantt chart is used for the graphical representation of information in WBS. It shows dependencies between tasks, personnel, and other resources allocations and track progress towards completion. Gantt hart highlights the start of the project.

Project Cost Management

The project cost management is mainly from the variety of ...
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