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Assignment: Hardware Replacement Project

Assignment: Hardware Replacement Project


As one of the leaders of information systems designer and provider, our company--Big-Fancy Computer Company is very proud of winning the contract with Jones' Home from the other two competitive companies. In order to return our customer the maximum of satisfaction, we need to complete a comprehensive analysis of major aspects that influence the efficiency and profitability of Jones' Home first before we make a decision on which type(s) of information system should adopted, the analysis section will include five aspects, namely, the necessity of a information system, analysis of the present system, determine an information system, costs of a information system and how to operate the maintain the information system.

The Necessity of a Information System

An information system can be defined technically as a set of interrelated components that collect (or retrieve), process, store, and distribute information to support decision making, coordination and control in an organization. (Laudon, K.C. & Laudon, J.P. 2007).

According to the definition of information system, a series of managerial function can be provided by an effective information system in an organization, in a addition to supporting decision making, coordination, and control, information systems may also help managers and workers analyze problems, visualize complex subjects, and create new products. (Laudon, K.C. & Laudon, J.P. 2007). Since the multifarious and helpful functions information system can provide, it was considered as a fundamental managerial tool in modern organizations, more and more company apply information systems to update the management technology for the purpose of surviving in this increasing competitive environment.

Analyze the Present System

This is an absolutely necessary procedure of setting up a new information system in organizations. The analysis of the present system will uncover major problem areas that must be eliminated, moreover, we can determine whether existing hardware is appropriate for the organization's need and the server is required to integrate the three offices of Jones' Home(Backus, 2006). As will become apparent, some of the hardware options involve expanding or recycling current hardware, so it is important to know what is on hand.

The Five Variables of Project Management

In "The Five Variables of Project Management," Sam Newman offers five things that affect the success of a project, including scope, time, people, process, and risk management. This is a slightly refined view of the traditional "cost, time, quality" triangle in common use.

The triangle here is a common way of expressing a simple euphemism: You can have two of the three attributes, but not all three. In other words, you can have low development time and high quality, but the cost will be very high; you can have low cost and high quality, but the development time will be long; lastly, you can have low cost and low development time, accompanied by low quality (which, based on recent software development trends, isn't seen as being a bad choice, apparently.)


In simple terms, if you deliver less functionality, it will take you less time. The problem is that often the decision as to what _not_ to deliver ...
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